10 March 2025

​The strategic network, planning and sharing learning

Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Provide multiple means of Action and Expression’

Understand the strategic network

Understand the strategic network

An introduction to the strategic network and its connection to the Action and Expression principle.

Implications of variability

Implications of variability

All learners demonstrate huge variability in their fine and gross motor skills, ability to set goals, monitor progress, organise themselves and share thinking.

It is critically important to intentionally design learning contexts that offer a range of useful supports and options so that each student can:

  • access all work spaces and tools
  • share their learning in ways that work for them
  • set goals and take ownership of their own learning pathways.

When we don't acknowledge and plan for variability, we can inadvertantly create barriers to learning and wellbeing for some students.

Guidelines to help us plan for variability

Guidelines to help us plan for variability

From the neuroscience, we know that variability across the strategic networks is predictable.

The Action and Expression guidelines help us ensure all learners are supported plan, create, and share learning.

Guidelines Purpose
Provide options for physical action Interact with accessible materials and tools
Provide options for expression and communication Compose and share ideas using tools or approaches that support expression
Provide options for executive functions Determine and monitor own learning pathway

Source: UDL guidelines CAST. Inc. 2018 (opens in a new tab/window)

Potential barriers in task design

Potential barriers in task design

Sometimes a specific component of a task can create a barrier for students if it is not designed with supports in place at the outset.

Consider the following list:

  • physical access to materials, resources and workspaces
  • locating personal resources
  • taking a test or timed assessment
  • letter formation
  • spelling
  • following instructions
  • organising ideas
  • working with others
  • speaking in front of others
  • staying focussed
  • solving problems
  • breaking down a task or goal
  • setting a goal



Provide students with flexible and supported options for goal setting, planning and demonstrating understanding.

Ensure the choices you offer are useful options.

Useful resources

Useful resources


UDL: Providing Multiple Means for Action and Expression

UDL: Providing Multiple Means for Action and Expression

Publisher: Novak Education

Visit website


Multiple means of action and expression – Professional development resource

A multimedia online resource introducing the UDL principle of Representation. The resource contains short videos by David Rose and Grace Meo from CAST, accompanying text, and powerpoint slides. Collated by the Alberta Regional Consortia.

Publisher: The Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium (ERLC)

Visit website

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Provide multiple means of Action and Expression”:

Return to the guide “Universal Design for Learning”

Guide to Index of the guide: Universal Design for Learning

Strategies for action:
