Match teaching methods to student preferences
Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Planning using UDL in intermediate and secondary settings’
On this page:
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Go to top of current page: Match teaching methods to student preferences
Go to top of current page: Match teaching methods to student preferences
Design for engagement
Design for engagement
Wayne Robinson describes how the design of the physical environment "needs to be conducive to you making a connection".
Ask students what can help
Ask students what can help
Katrina, a high school student with Down syndrome, makes recommendations for teachers that could be useful for all students.
Offer online options
Offer online options
Noelene Dunn uses Google sites to provide her students with learning pathways and content they can personalise to suit preferences.
Teach for diversity
Teach for diversity
Wayne Robinson talks about how he expects and plans for the diversity in his classroom.
Reflection questions
Reflection questions
Reflect on the following statements, then ask students to share their perspectives.
- How do I create opportunities for students to connect learning to their culture, interests and things that matter to them?
- How do I activate background knowledge and drawn attention to critical features in varied and flexible ways?
- How do I ensure students have the supports, options, and challenges they need to demonstrate their understanding in ways that work for them?
- How can I increase opportunities for students to use their first languages in learning?
- In what ways could I provide students access to learning if they are absent from class?
- How do I offer multiple opportunities for students to learn from and with others?
Source: Adapted from CAST UDL curriculum self-check (opens in a new tab/window)
Useful resources
Useful resources
Ask your students how you can become a better teacher
A blog post by Chrissie Butler from CORE Education. Chrissie provides questions and prompts for teachers to consider when designing learning environments.
UDL Strategies
This online resource provides suggestions and resources aligned to the UDL framework. Each checkpoint in the guidelines has a photo and description.
Publisher: Enome Inc
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Design considerations in secondary settings”:
Current page Match teaching methods to student preferences
Design assessments to enable students to demonstrate their understanding
Return to the guide “Universal Design for Learning”
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How to use this site
Guide to Index of the guide: Universal Design for Learning
- Why UDL is valuable
Find out about UDLShow suggestions for Find out about UDL
Strategies for action:
Provide multiple means of EngagementShow suggestions for Provide multiple means of Engagement
Provide multiple means of RepresentationShow suggestions for Provide multiple means of Representation
Provide multiple means of Action and ExpressionShow suggestions for Provide multiple means of Action and Expression
How to plan using UDLShow suggestions for How to plan using UDL
Design considerations in primary settingsShow suggestions for Design considerations in primary settings
Design considerations in secondary settingsShow suggestions for Design considerations in secondary settings
- Prepare environments for flexibility
- Refine and support goal setting
- Match teaching methods to student preferences
- Ensure materials are flexible and accessible
- Design assessments to enable students to demonstrate their understanding
Design considerations in NCEA assessmentsShow suggestions for Design considerations in NCEA assessments