25 July 2024

About this website

This site can be used to help build educator confidence in meeting the learning and wellbeing needs of diverse learners, and for strengthening inclusive practices. This site supports schools to meet the inclusion principle in the New Zealand Curriculum which ensures that students’ identities, languages, abilities and talents are recognised and affirmed, and that their learning needs are addressed.

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Who this site is for

  • The information on this site will be useful to educators across primary, intermediate and secondary schools.
  • It is aimed at principals and leadership teams, teachers, teacher’s aides, learning support coordinators (SENCO), heads of department, boards.
  • It is intended for educators who have students who may not be receiving specialist assistance and funding through Ministry of Education services.
  • Resource teachers, Ministry of Education staff and professional learning and development providers will find the site useful in their work with schools and teachers.
  • Schools and parents will find useful information in the guides to work through together.

How the guides work

The guides on this site are intended as in depth resources that educators can work through over time. We recommend educators work through the guides with peers, school leaders, resource teachers, or in a professional development context.

The guides are not Ministry of Education guidelines or policy. They are a kete or collection of evidence-based strategies and case studies to support educators.

The Ministry of Education does not endorse any commercial products and resources discussed in the guides.
