24 March 2025

Teach, evaluate, and revise against the UDL guidelines

Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘How to plan using UDL’

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Teach, evaluate, revise

Teach, evaluate, revise

The process of applying UDL is iterative and cyclical.

Reflect on how the design supported learner variability and minimised barriers for learners.

Approaches to reflection

Approaches to reflection

Engage in reflection processes that suit your context.

  • Invite a colleague to observe you and meet to discuss.
  • At the beginning of the lesson, let students know what you are working on and ask for their feedback at the end.
  • Video yourself.
  • Take photos during the lesson to prompt reflection later.
  • Following teaching discuss the lesson with a colleague or mentor.
  • Write a reflective blog post.
  • Jot down thought or a quick sketch in a UDL-focussed journal or notebook - what am I learning/notes from the field.
  • Establish a small UDL support group and reflective on practice together.

Reflection questions

Reflection questions

Following teaching, a reflective teacher considers the effectiveness of the lesson design.

  • How effective was the design in minimising or removing the identified barriers to learning?
  • Were students successful in achieving the learning goal? What contributed to this?
  • What would I do differently and why (aligning this reflection to the UDL guidelines)?

Useful resources

Useful resources


UDL reflection questions 1 pager

The UDL guidelines reframed as questions.

Download PDF (210 KB)


UDL progression rubric

Breakdown of the UDL guidelines into three levels of implementation: emerging, proficient, progressing towards expert practice.

Publisher: CAST

Visit website

Next steps

Return to the guide “Universal Design for Learning”

Guide to Index of the guide: Universal Design for Learning

Strategies for action:
