10 March 2025

Myths and facts about UDL

Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Find out about UDL’

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Myths and facts about UDL

Myths and facts about UDL

Responses to common questions people ask about UDL.
UDL has no research behind it. The UDL framework is grounded in brain research and other empirical data. Explore the research behind the UDL principles, guidelines, and checkpoints.
UDL is another word for differentiation.

UDL is an overarching approach. It's focus is the design of the whole learning environment at the outset to ensure all students have full access to everything in the classroom, regardless of their needs and abilities. 

Differentiation is a strategy that helps you address each student’s individual levels of readiness, interest, and learning profiles. 

UDL is  a special ed thing.

As every student is a variable learner, UDL is for everyone.

UDL helps you create an accessible learning environment where all learners have the best chance to learn.

If you purchase a UDL product, then you’re doing UDL. UDL isn’t something you buy or “do”; it’s a set of principles and guidelines to use as a decision-making framework. 
I'm doing UDL already.

UDL is a framework with clear principles, guidelines, and checkpoints. Many aspects of the framework are familiar beacuse they are based on research underpinning effective teaching practice.

However if teachers are not referencing the UDL framework to make decisions about how to remove bariers to learning and plan for variability, they aren’t implementing UDL.

To make UDL work, you have to use technology.

Technology can be really useful as it provides options and supports we have never had before.

However UDL implementation is not dependant on technology. UDL helps teachers plan for variability using the resources they have at hand.

Source: Adapted from 6 UDL myths (and the facts behind them). (opens in a new tab/window)

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Find out about UDL”:

Return to the guide “Universal Design for Learning”

Guide to Index of the guide: Universal Design for Learning

Strategies for action:
