24 March 2025

Provide options for comprehension

Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Provide multiple means of Representation’

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Explore the 'options for comprehension' guideline.

Recognise which approaches and strategies are already part of your practice.

Take note of anything you hadn't considered before.

Patterns and big ideas

Patterns and big ideas

Offer students a variety of tools and approaches to help them highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationships between concepts. 

Support understanding by offering:

  • information presented in multiple ways (including songs and chants, short skits or performances, digital media) 
  • highlighters to identify key words/phrases and text features
  • coloured paper or sticky notes as reminders or review of key concepts, or big ideas
  • graphic organisers to support organisation of new ideas
  • scaffolded activities (for example, cloze activities, word banks, sentence starters, prompts)
  • exemplar templates students can refer to
  • comparisons of familiar concepts to lead to new concepts
  • digital time management or calendar for organising assignment tasks and deadlines
  • text or visual prompts to scaffold students through tasks.

Source: Adapted from UDL Supporting diversity in BC schools (opens in a new tab/window)

Reflection questions

Reflection questions

 Consider these questions in your own context.
  • How do I help students access prior knowledge and combine this with new information (graphic organisers, maps, cross-curricular analogies, visual imagery)?
  • In what ways will I guide learners to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant or unimportant content (cues and prompts, multiple examples and non-examples, emphasising key elements)?
  • How will I ensure all learners are able to access information and ideas and create new understandings (prompts for sequence, organisation options, graduated scaffolds)?
  • How will I support students to remember information in order to apply learning to new situations (checklists, mnemonic strategies, concept maps)?

Useful resources

Useful resources



This online resource offers a range of graphic organisers and online interactive tools for teachers.

Publisher: International Literacy Association

Visit website


UDL Guideline Comprehension

Supporting resources, including video to support the guideline supporting comprehension

Publisher: CAST

Visit website

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Provide multiple means of Representation”:

Return to the guide “Universal Design for Learning”

Guide to Index of the guide: Universal Design for Learning

Strategies for action:
