02 July 2024

Provide options for perception

Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Provide multiple means of Representation’

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Explore the 'perception' guideline.

Recognise which approaches and strategies are already part of your practice.

Take note of anything you hadn't considered before.

Benefits of digital text

Benefits of digital text

Whenever possible offer all students access to digital versions of printed material.

Digital text can be:

  • adjusted so that the style, size, and colour of fonts are the best fit for the student
  • converted to speech (using text-to-speech tools) to support students with reading and those who prefer to listen to information rather than (or in addition to) looking at it, or who use it to help with editing
  • hyperlinked to definitions and background information
  • illustrated with moving images
  • highlighted, annotated, and underlined to guide the reader’s attention
  • easily linked to and from online environments and documents
  • accessed collaboratively and edited 24/7.

Use videos with closed captions

Use videos with closed captions

Closed captions are like subtitles.

They are a practical example of providing information in more than one way.

Here's how to find them on YouTube.

  • Search for YouTube and open the home page.
  • Type search subject (for example “frogs”) into YouTube search bar and press return key.
  • On left of screen, click the tab called “Filters” and a menu box will open.
  • Select “subtitles/CC” under the Features list.
  • Select a video from the selection of filtered videos presented by YouTube.
  • Watch the selected video with the closed captions turned on to check for accuracy before sharing with students.
  • Share closed captioned video with students.

Reflection questions

Reflection questions

  • Have I presented information that students can customise to match their own preference (for example, font size, color-contrast options)?
  • What are my alternatives for auditory information (for example, closed captions, New Zealand Sign Language, transcripts, alt text on images)?
  • What visual information will support understanding in this lesson (for example, tactile graphics, text-to-speech, video)?

Useful resources

Useful resources


Do’s and don’ts on designing for accessibility

Read time: 34 min

A set of six posters with general guidelines for designing accessible web content. These posters are also useful considerations for general classroom planning and content design.

Publisher: United Kingdom Government

Visit website


UDL Guideline – Perception

Supporting resources, including video to support the guideline options for perception

Visit website

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Provide multiple means of Representation”:

Return to the guide “Universal Design for Learning”

Guide to Index of the guide: Universal Design for Learning

Strategies for action:
