24 March 2025

Provide options for expression and communication

Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Provide multiple means of Action and Expression’

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Explore the UDL 'options for expression' guideline.

Which approaches are already part of your practice?

What new options could you offer learners?

Utilise multimedia

Utilise multimedia

Support communication with more than talking.

Use visuals and hands-on activities to maximise participation and understanding.

Offer physical and digital tools

Offer physical and digital tools

Support access to a variety of tools and approaches giving students options in how they present and share their learning.  

Visual tools and approaches:

  • drawings, graphics, infographics, posters, acrostics, comics
  • mural, display, timeline, collage, installation
  • board game, magazine, brochure, digital presentation
  • movie, storyboard, stop motion film, photographs, advert.

Auditory tools and approaches:

  • write and record songs, raps, slam poetry, jingles
  • voice avatar (Voki or Voicethread)
  • make a news report, podcast
  • conversation in social media (Twitter or Facebook)
  • publish a blog post, website
  • design a survey and interview, talk show, debate, lecture, questions for a trivia show
  • soundtrack to a novel, poem, time period, feeling.

Physical tools and approaches:

  • construct a model (for example, diorama), installation, sculpture
  • create a role play, skit, tableau, dance, puppet show, demonstration, costumes.

Source: Adapted from UDL supporting diversity in BC schools (opens in a new tab/window)

Build in scaffolding

Build in scaffolding

Offer tools such as Popplet to plan stories, document, and connect ideas.

Select tools that support students to link ideas together and organise them in different ways.

10886 [Using-Popplet-to-plan-a-story3.jpg]

Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Reflection questions

Reflection questions

  • What creates barriers to expression in assignments and activities? How can I minimise or remove these barriers?
  • What tools can I offer to increase students’ ability to express knowledge (spell-checkers, calculators, manipulatives, text-to-speech)?
  • How am I building students skills in communicating ideas using a range of media?

Useful resources

Useful resources


UDL tech toolkit

A comprehensive kit of tools and approaches aligned to UDL.

Publisher: CAST

Visit website


UDL Strategies

This online resource provides suggestions and resources aligned to the UDL framework. Each checkpoint in the guidelines has a photo and description.

Publisher: Enome Inc

Visit website


Read&Write for Google Chrome

A free extension for the Chrome browser which includes highlighting tools, text-to-speech, picture dictionary, and word prediction. "Teachers can get a free premium subscription to Read&Write for Google. To register and activate your subscription, go to after installing the Read&Write for Google trial."

Publisher: Google

Visit website

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Provide multiple means of Action and Expression”:

Return to the guide “Universal Design for Learning”

Guide to Index of the guide: Universal Design for Learning

Strategies for action:
