Respond to bullying
Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Address immediate environmental, physical and social needs’
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Understand homophobia and transphobia
Understand homophobia and transphobia
Young people discuss their experiences of homophobic and transphobic bullying.
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Map where bullying occurs
Map where bullying occurs
Gather evidence of where bullying in occurring in your school.
Work with students to design safe approaches that allow students to share information.
Include LGBTQIA+ in anti-bullying policies
Include LGBTQIA+ in anti-bullying policies
- Language specifically prohibiting harassment based on nonconformity to gender and sexuality norms, gender identity and gender expression.
- Clear procedures enabling students, staff, parents, and carers to confidentially report safety and wellbeing issues and concerns.
- Clear restorative practice guidelines and step-by-step processes for staff when addressing and responding to bullying behaviour.
- Prevention strategies to explicitly address identity-based bullying.
- Provision for a number of reporting mechanisms to ensure that students can report bullying in confidence.
- Relevant support for LGBTQIA+ students.
- Regular space and time for students to voice concerns about bullying.
- A wide representation of voices and diverse perspectives in developing anti-bullying policies.
- Opportunities for students to identify and report types of bullying that occur, including bullying based on identity, such as homophobic or transphobic bullying.
Responsive leadership
Responsive leadership
Jordan talks about the responsive intervention from his school principal when he was confronted by homophobic and biphobic comments.
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Take strategic and practical action
Take strategic and practical action
Develop and strengthen effective responses to homophobic and transphobic bullying.
- developing school-wide systems to monitor the prevalence of bullying based on sexual orientation and gender identity and/or expression
- ensuring policies refer explicitly to supporting the wellbeing and learning of young people who identify as sex, gender, and sexuality diverse
- involving students, particularly those who are LGBTQIA+, in the development of policies
- communicating school policies relating to safety and inclusion to the whole school and your community
- ensuring students can report incidents of bullying in confidence
- evaluating the effectiveness of interventions to ensure that they are having the desired impact
- providing training to support all staff in responding quickly to homophobic and transphobic bullying
- providing all students with access to non-judgmental and accurate information on sexual orientation and gender identity and expression
- including education about discrimination and respect for all in the curriculum at all levels
- identifying and using appropriate entry points within the curriculum to address issues such as gender roles and stereotypes.
Source: Out in the open (UNESCO) (opens in a new tab/window)
Useful resources
Useful resources

Ending rainbow-focused bullying and discrimination
An interactive workbook for teachers and school leaders to create environments free from rainbow-focused bullying and discrimination. Incorporates evidence-informed guidance from the BullyingFree NZ website.
Publisher: InsideOUT
Download PDF (2 MB)

Inside Out: About – why it’s important
Inside Out - We all belong is a set of video-based teaching resources that aim to decrease homophobic and transphobic bullying in New Zealand.
Publisher: RainbowYOUTH

Safer classrooms for all: Anti-homophobia workshops in schools
The PPTA provides free professional development to schools to support them to address the issue of bullying on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
Publisher: New Zealand Post Primary Teachers' Association

This New Zealand website provides information, tools, and resources for schools, families, and students to help build safe and bullying-free environments.
Publisher: BullyingFree NZ
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Address immediate environmental, physical and social needs”:
Return to the guide “Supporting LGBTQIA+ students”

How to use this site
Guide to Index of the guide: LGBTQIA+ students
Strategies for action:
Build knowledge of sex, gender, and sexuality diversityShow suggestions for Build knowledge of sex, gender, and sexuality diversity
Design inclusive school-wide systems and processesShow suggestions for Design inclusive school-wide systems and processes
Address immediate environmental, physical and social needsShow suggestions for Address immediate environmental, physical and social needs
Develop an inclusive classroom and curriculumShow suggestions for Develop an inclusive classroom and curriculum