25 March 2025

Explore Māori and Pasifika understandings about sex characteristics, gender, and sexuality diversity

Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Build knowledge of sex, gender, and sexuality diversity’

Explore cultural and religious consider­ations

Explore cultural and religious consider­ations

Sexuality may be viewed differently according to people’s social and cultural contexts, values, and beliefs.

Consider how you will build your understanding and plan for differences in:

  • religious and spiritual beliefs and values
  • cultural protocols for the delivery of sexuality education
  • cultural protocols for viewing images and videos
  • cultural beliefs around gender and gender roles.

Source: Health and Physical Education Online (opens in a new tab/window)

Learn about Takatāpui

Learn about Takatāpui

Takatāpui is a traditional Māori term meaning ‘intimate companion of the same sex.’

Takatāpui: Part of the whānau provides information and support for takatāpui and their whānau. It aims to build understanding and prevent discrimination.

Support Takatāpui with pōwhiri

Support Takatāpui with pōwhiri

Learn how how a pōwhiri can be inclusive of takatāpui, whakawhahine, tangata ira tane and trans and gender diverse people given that gender roles are involved

Engage with Rainbow Pasifika experiences

Engage with Rainbow Pasifika experiences

Learn about the experiences of young people who identify as Rainbow Pasifika.

Learn about Pasifika youth perspectives

Learn about Pasifika youth perspectives

Stories highlight how to nurture understanding and create belonging for Pasifika communities.

Useful resources

Useful resources


Takatāpui: A resource hub

Online resource hub for takatāpui and their whānau.

Publisher: RainbowYOUTH

Visit website


Takatāpui: Part of the whānau

Five takatāpui speak openly about their experiences, identity, and wellbeing and about suicide prevention. This resource was developed by Elizabeth Kerekere.

Publisher: RainbowYOUTH

Visit website


The place of sexuality education in schools

Read time: 6 min

This resource provides information on hauora and sexuality, Pasifika concepts of sexuality, and equity and sexual and gender diversity.

Visit website

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Build knowledge of sex, gender, and sexuality diversity”:

Return to the guide “Supporting LGBTQIA+ students”

Guide to Index of the guide: LGBTQIA+ students
