24 March 2025

Provide safe spaces, changing rooms and school trips

Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Address immediate environmental, physical and social needs’

Understand threats to wellbeing

Understand threats to wellbeing

Many LGBTIQA+ students face challenging situations and have identified that they:
  • have experienced verbal slurs relating to gender identity
  • are worried about threats of physical harm or harassment
  • feel uncomfortable getting changed in front of others
  • are unable to access a space aligned to their gender identity
  • “hold on” or have to travel longer distances to get to assigned safe spaces
  • need to change in spaces with peers who have caused harassment.

Source: Why transgender students need safe bathrooms (opens in a new tab/window)

Ask about experiences in PE and sport

Ask about experiences in PE and sport

LGBTQIA+ students can find sports and physical education classes particularly stressful.

Document findings and discuss with students ways to create more inclusive environments.

Many students:

  • have negative experiences in physical education classes 
  • identify physical education classes as likely locations for homophobia and transphobia to be expressed
  • experience verbal slurs
  • experience incidents of physical abuse
  • experience feelings of rejection due to their sexuality and gender identity
  • are worried about discrimination from coaches
  • are unable to access gender-neutral shower, toilets, and changing areas
  • feel uncomfortable with gender-specific uniforms
  • feel uncomfortable playing in a gender-specific sports team.

Source: Out on the fields: Findings and statistics (opens in a new tab/window)

Provide safe spaces and access to support

Provide safe spaces and access to support

Designate safe spaces within the school and ensure students know where they can immediately access support.
  • library, staffroom, or identified classroom
  • gender-neutral bathrooms and changing areas
  • school medical centre
  • peer support, such as queer-straight alliance groups or rainbow diversity groups
  • supportive adults who are informed and knowledgeable
  • school youth worker, counsellor, or nurse
  • pastoral care staff
  • supportive allies.

Make changing rooms safe

Make changing rooms safe

A student should be able to change clothes safely in a changing room, no matter who they are.

All students should have the option of changing in:

  • the facility that aligns with their gender,
  • a single stall or cubicle within a larger changing room,
  • a separate space or bathroom nearby.

Students may choose to use gender-neutral facilities for many reasons beyond gender. It can help to normalise these facilities, reducing the likelihood that students will be teased or singled out when using them.

Source: Making Schools Safer: A practical guide for schools on supporting transgender, gender diverse, and intersex students in Aotearoa (opens in a new tab/window)

Inclusively design school trips

Inclusively design school trips

Ask students about the support they might need on trips outside school.

Discuss preferred sleeping arrangements and changing room needs or situations that could be unsafe or embarrassing.

Useful resources

Useful resources

Safe space kit Guide to being an ally to LGBT students

Safe space kit: Guide to being an ally to LGBT students

Read time: 61 min

Resource kit designed to help schools become a safe space for LGBTQIA+ students. Developed by the US Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network.

Publisher: Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network

Visit website

Out on the fields

Out on the fields

Read time: 6 min

Report on homophobia in sport based on data from the US, UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

Publisher: Out on the Fields 2015

Visit website

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Address immediate environmental, physical and social needs”:

Return to the guide “Supporting LGBTQIA+ students”

Guide to Index of the guide: LGBTQIA+ students
