Make LGBTQIA+ content and themes visible across the curriculum
Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Developing an inclusive classroom and curriculum’
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Go to top of current page: Make LGBTQIA+ content visible
Consider the impact of invisibility
Consider the impact of invisibility
When someone with the authority of a teacher describes the world and you are not in it, there is a moment of psychic disequilibrium, as if you looked into a mirror and saw nothing.
Adrienne Rich
Integrate LGBTQIA+ content into the curriculum
Integrate LGBTQIA+ content into the curriculum
Talk about and include LGBTQIA+ people and issues across the curriculum through:
- normalising LGBTQIA+ people, same-sex relationships, and gender diversity
- having positive representations of LGBTQIA+ people – invite role models the students can identify with into the classroom
- using videos and books that illustrate diversity as both normal and everyday, and also something to be celebrated
- reading children’s books that break gender-role stereotypes
- interrogating and deconstructing texts that assume hetereosexuality or gender stereotypes
- visually showing your support for diverse families by displaying images of diverse relationships on the classroom walls
- using celebrations such as mother’s and father’s day to talk about diversity and celebrate all forms of relationships
- modelling values of fairness, empathy, acceptance, kindness, respect, and responsibility to and for all people
- ensuring that classroom responsibilities are inclusive, gender-balanced and not stereotyped.
- acknowledging and investigating notable international LGBTQIA+ dates and events in your school or classroom.
Source: 10 ways educators can make schools safer for LGBT youth (opens in a new tab/window)
Build under­standing of diversity
Build understanding of diversity
Provide positive examples of sexuality, gender, and physical diversity.
It is an important and effective way to signal that these forms of diversity are ordinary, natural, and worthy of recognition.
Make your commitment to diversity visible
Make your commitment to diversity visible
When we were looking around, we noticed at several schools the counsellors had posters up about same-sex attracted youth, which indicated to us, at an institutional level, that they were not discriminating.
Useful resources
Useful resources
"When students are able to show what they know in the way they choose it boosts student engagement and student understanding." A video from UDL supporting diversity in BC schools. Transcript available.
Publisher: CAST
Out on the shelves
An online resource that lists books with rainbow themes and characters, with the aim of supporting rainbow young people to find stories that represent their identities in positive and affirming ways. The site provides information about the campaign week for libraries to promote and build their rainbow collections and help connect rainbow young people with their stories and with each other.
Publisher: InsideOUT

InsideOUT: Resources for schools
A range of print and online resources that can be downloaded Digitally or ordered as physical copies
Publisher: InsideOUT
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Develop an inclusive classroom and curriculum”:
Return to the guide “Supporting LGBTQIA+ students”

How to use this site
Guide to Index of the guide: LGBTQIA+ students
Strategies for action:
Build knowledge of sex, gender, and sexuality diversityShow suggestions for Build knowledge of sex, gender, and sexuality diversity
Design inclusive school-wide systems and processesShow suggestions for Design inclusive school-wide systems and processes
Address immediate environmental, physical and social needsShow suggestions for Address immediate environmental, physical and social needs
Develop an inclusive classroom and curriculumShow suggestions for Develop an inclusive classroom and curriculum