Build understanding of key concepts and terms
Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Build knowledge of sex, gender, and sexuality diversity’
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Listen to young people's perspectives
Listen to young people's perspectives
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Know the difference between sex, gender and sexuality
Know the difference between sex, gender and sexuality
Note, these concepts differ across cultures and languages. Indigenous terms may involve a more holistic understanding of these aspects of identity.
There are important differences between sex, gender, and sexuality.
- refers to particular characteristics of bodies, including reproductive organs, genitalia, hormones, and chromosomes
- is often seen as a binary: male or female
- there is however considerable physical variation within these physical characteristics, and
- the term intersex describes those who do not fit this traditional binary.
- gender identity refers to how you identify your gender internally, regardless of the sex of your body
- gender expression refers to how you express your gender – masculine, feminine, both, neither, or in between.
- refers to who you are attracted to.
- you may be attracted to people of the the same and/or differing sex or gender
- you also may not be sexually attracted to anyone.
Source: Dr John Fenaughty, University of Auckland (opens in a new tab/window)
Understand why pronouns matter
Understand why pronouns matter
Students talk about what pronouns are, why they matter, and how to use new ones.
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Know how to address students
Know how to address students
Using a person’s chosen name and pronouns can have positive impacts on their mental health.
Every student will have different wishes and needs around this.
- Privately and respectfully check with students about the name and pronoun they would like you to use around other people in your school community. This includes on the class roll or around the learning environment.
- If a student would like everyone, or only some people, to know their chosen name and pronouns, this should be communicated to those identified in a respectful way.
- To maintain a student’s privacy, check with the student about the name and/or pronouns they want to be used in the records that parents or caregivers may see, as they might be different to the ones they use at school.
Explore what transgender means
Explore what transgender means
This video introduces and explores transgender identities.
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Useful resources
Useful resources

Supporting LGBTI young people in New Zealand
Read time: 18 min
This document outlines six objectives to improve the lives of LGBTQIA+ young people in New Zealand. Commissioned by the Ministry of Youth Development.
Publisher: Ministry of Social Development
More Than Four
A video resource exploring the identities and experiences of, and beyond, ‘LGBT’ identities. Videos include experiences of people who are asexual, aromantic, intersex, non-binary, bisexual, pansexual, transgender, takatāpui, fa’afafine, akava’ine, queer parents and people who identify as both Māori, Pasifika or Asian and queer.
Publisher: InsideOUT

Rainbow terminology
A list of terms related to sex, gender and sexuality, and their common definitions.
Publisher: InsideOUT
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Build knowledge of sex, gender, and sexuality diversity”:
Current page Build understanding of key concepts and terms
Return to the guide “Supporting LGBTQIA+ students”

How to use this site
Guide to Index of the guide: LGBTQIA+ students
Strategies for action:
Build knowledge of sex, gender, and sexuality diversityShow suggestions for Build knowledge of sex, gender, and sexuality diversity
- Build understanding of key concepts and terms
- Explore Māori and Pasifika understandings
- Understand legal obligations and children's rights
Design inclusive school-wide systems and processesShow suggestions for Design inclusive school-wide systems and processes
Address immediate environmental, physical and social needsShow suggestions for Address immediate environmental, physical and social needs
Develop an inclusive classroom and curriculumShow suggestions for Develop an inclusive classroom and curriculum