26 March 2025

Use recommended approaches to support personal organisation

Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Key areas to support’

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Support management of technologies

Support management of technologies

Students with low vision may need additional support to manage their technologies and advocate for their use.

Discuss with students how they will:

  • move specialised equipment around independently
  • ensure that everyone in class knows about the equipment and understands how to look after and respect it
  • negotiate extra space to store equipment.

Support independence

Support independence

Key areas to consider when discussing with students how they are managing themselves and their learning, and what strategies could support their next steps.
  • level of self-esteem and self-advocacy
  • ability and willingness to use technology
  • ability to manage equipment and mobility skills
  • self awareness of needs
  • awareness of fatigue and frustration levels.

Source: Adapted from Reading strategies for students with visual impairments: A classroom teacher's guide (opens in a new tab/window)

Support self-advocacy

Support self-advocacy

Support students to learn to explain what they need and why.

Useful resources

Useful resources


Using a visual timetable to support personal organisation in the classroom

A detailed description of how six-year-old Molly uses a visual timetable to support her learning. Learn how to implement this practical strategy in class.

Publisher: BLENNZ: Blind and Low Vision Education Network NZ

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Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Key areas to support”:

Return to the guide “Low vision and learning”
