25 July 2024

About this resource

A professional learning resource for people leading inclusive practice

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The Inclusive design modules are facilitated professional learning resources to build kaiako, educator, and teacher capability and confidence to be more inclusive with their practice. The resource is designed to meet the variability of education settings from early learning through to secondary school. 

Inclusive design underpins many of the Ministry’s policies and strategies including the outcomes of the Highest Needs Review. 

The Inclusive design modules can help schools, kura and services to respond and contribute to a fully inclusive education system. It responds directly to two of the National Education and Learning Priorities (NELP) objectives:

  • creating barrier free access to education
  • ensuring quality teaching and leadership.

The resource: 

  • supports delivery of flexible supports and services for neurodiverse children and young people (LSAP priority 4). Developing this resource, we have come from the premise that flexible support starts with inclusive design
  • link to the intent of the Aotearoa NZ curriculum refresh that school leaders will lead kaiako to use the curriculum to design and plan learning that promotes inclusion and equity for all peoples.
  • is part of Te Tūāpapa o He Pikorua. Te Tūāpapa positions learning supports as part of day-to-day teaching and learning. Flexible, tailored model of support – He Pikorua – Ministry of Education.

The 3 modules

The resource has 3 modules. Each module has a PowerPoint presentation, supporting material and facilitation guidance.

  • Module 1 – Building inclusive practices and equity |Te whakatūturu i te kauawhi me te ōritetanga 
  • Module 2 – Design for learner variability | He hoahoa mō te taurangirangi o te ākonga 
  • Module 3 – Inclusive curriculum design and intentional teaching |He hoahoa marautanga kauawhi me te whakaako ā-takune.


The resource has been tested and refined through active application in various settings – early learning services, primary schools and Regional Health Schools, including secondary settings.

Partnership has been key to the development of the resource, and to trialling and refining it. Partners include Tātai Aho Rau Core Education, Kaitiaki Rōpū, RTLB, Ministry Learning Support specialists, schools, Curriculum Leads and whānau.

Next steps

Return to the guide “Inclusive design modules - Planning for diversity”
