04 March 2025

Plan, resource and monitor inclusion

Make the school’s vision for inclusion come to life throughout the school, in collaboration with the school board.

On this page:

Set up systems, roles, and expectations

Set up systems, roles, and expectations

Work closely with the school board to create strong foundations for inclusive practice.
  • Establish a team with the knowledge and skills to support student learning and wellbeing.
  • Develop a shared vision and school-wide responsibilities for inclusion.
  • Clarify pathways for learning support in your school.
  • Develop information and data collection, monitoring, and reporting systems.
  • Develop and use a decision-making process that is centred on the learner and allows for shared knowledge and collaboration.
  • Develop processes for accountability and ongoing review of learning support systems.

Develop strategic and annual plans

Develop strategic and annual plans

Outline in the school’s strategic and annual plans how the school is going to become more inclusive and meet the needs of all learners.

In your plans, show:

  • what your board wants to achieve for students with learning support needs
  • how you intend to achieve the outcomes for these students, for example, your teaching strategies, and how you are going to use your resourcing
  • what success will look like for students
  • how you will evaluate and assess your progress towards meeting your goals or targets and report this in your annual report.

Identify specific focus areas

Identify specific focus areas

Ensure your school's strategic planning identifies specific focus areas to strengthen equity and inclusion.

Here are some example focus areas.

  • Improving the enrolment practices for students with additional support needs.
  • A school-wide programme of professional development focused on inclusive practices.
  • A community engagement strategy that reflects a partnership approach with parents and whānau of all students.
  • An accessibility audit of all school buildings and grounds to support the participation of all students.A pilot of flexible timetabling to support increased access to learning support expertise and collaborative teaching models.

Take a universal approach

Take a universal approach

The school painted pathways between focal points to support a student with low vision.

New students and those who need support with orientation also use the marked pathways.

8829 [blue-line.jpg]

Source: Glyne Lowe, Flickr

Glyne Lowe, Flickr

Remove barriers to learning

Remove barriers to learning

Explore the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework to help identify and remove barriers to learning. 

For more information, go to the UDL guide.

School Leaders have a framework that will:

  • support their growth and development as an inclusive school
  • support consistent, coherent inclusive teaching and learning practices across their school
  • guide the design of more inclusive systems and processes, community events, and building projects
  • provide a shared language that can be used with all stakeholders, across all contexts.

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Strategically resourcing for inclusive practices”:

Return to the guide “Leading schools that include all learners ”
