04 March 2025

Support professional learning in inclusive practices

Build staff capability in inclusive practices with a cohesive programme of professional growth for all.

Develop a shared sense of purpose

Develop a shared sense of purpose

School board chairperson Giovanni Tiso talks about representing the aspirations and interest of the community to create an inclusive school.

Support professional growth

Support professional growth

Teachers at Newtown school talk about growing and learning through respectful collaboration and conversations with colleagues.

Build capability with coaching

Build capability with coaching

Coaching is a collaborative process that builds teacher capability by focussing on the needs and next steps of each teacher.

Teaching is a complex craft, and teachers are simultaneously curriculum developers, content experts, pedagogues, social workers, psychologists, mentors and motivators… Coaching is likely to be effective because it is purposefully differentiated. Much like effective teaching to students, effective coaching purposefully targets each individual teacher’s needs.

Recognise and value expertise

Recognise and value expertise

  • Investigate the breadth of community expertise, including present and past students, parents and whānau, local agencies.
  • Identify where there are common needs across different classes, areas of the school or across local schools.
  • Identify gaps in your school’s collective expertise and possible solutions.
  • Use Learning Support Coordinators, where available, to help teachers to develop capability.
  • Involve Ministry of Education specialists such as RTLB.

Design flexible professional development

Design flexible professional development

Pakuranga College DP, Billy Merchant, explains how an inclusive approach to professional learning can cater for staff who all learn in different ways, at different paces and at different times.

Useful resources

Useful resources


Facilitating professional learning

A guide to using the resource Inclusive practice and the school curriculum in professional learning and development with schools.

Publisher: Ministry of Education

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Leading inquiry at a teacher level: It’s all about mentorship

This article in Set 2012:3 looks at conditions that support teachers to be learners when they inquire into their practice. The importance of strong leadership is emphasised.

Publisher: NZCER Press

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Regionally-allocated PLD

How to apply for PLD funding for your school, kura, kāhui ako or cluster. Allocation decisions are made by regional allocation panels.

Publisher: Ministry of Education

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An introduction to instructional coaching

This research review outlines what coaching is, how it works, why coaching is effective, and some considerations for school leaders as they incorporate coaching into their professional learning systems.

Publisher: The Education Hub

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Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Strategically resourcing for inclusive practices”:

Return to the guide “Leading schools that include all learners ”
