04 March 2025

Support collaborative planning and problem solving

Work as a team to understand and address the unique learning needs of every ākonga.

Avoid working in isolation

Avoid working in isolation

Michael Fullan believes today's principals don’t work in isolation – they collaborate and learn within their school and among other schools.

Prioritise time for collaboration

Prioritise time for collaboration

Create opportunities for all staff to learn with and from each other. Include part-time staff, teacher aides, support staff, or staff in visiting roles to strengthen their understanding of the school's inclusive vision.

If you value staff you have to find time for them to think and talk. You have to find clever ways for teachers to be released to have professional conversations, for example, so that teachers can meet regularly with their teacher aides. The payoffs are massive.

Andrew Morrall, Principal, Rolleston Primary School

Foster a collaborative learning culture

Foster a collaborative learning culture

School leadership teams support collaborative learning cultures when they:

  • emphasise to teachers that they can succeed – together
  • expect teachers to keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date
  • share decision-making and prepare others to lead
  • make data accessible
  • teach and model discussion and decision-making skills
  • provide teachers with the research
  • take time to build trust.

Make time for collaborative planning

Make time for collaborative planning

“It’s amazing what people can do when you stop telling them what to do.” Leaders from Manurewa Central School talk about making better decisions through genuine collaboration, power sharing and valuing of staff contributions.

Useful resources

Useful resources


Promoting collaborative learning cultures

In this article, Michael Fullan’s idea of “purposeful peer interaction” is explained. This is where information and knowledge are shared openly, and when monitoring mechanisms are installed to detect ineffective actions and identify effective practices.

Publisher: Educational Leaders

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Gary Punler: Deprivatising practice

In this video, Principal Gary Punler describes why is it important for schools to have a process in place to facilitate teachers meeting and sharing ideas.

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Networks of Expertise

List of subject associations and other peer-to-peer networks which support teachers and kaiako.

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Regionally-allocated PLD

How to apply for PLD funding for your school, kura, kāhui ako or cluster. Allocation decisions are made by regional allocation panels.

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Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Leading learning to support inclusive practices”:

Return to the guide “Leading schools that include all learners ”
