Partner with external organisations and experts
Bring together organisations that work in your community and specialists to support inclusive practices.
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Create a hub for services
Create a hub for services
At Victory Park Primary School the community services are based on the school grounds to increase access for all.
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Recognise and value expertise
Recognise and value expertise
- Investigate the breadth of community expertise, including present and past students, parents and whānau, local agencies.
- Identify gaps in your school’s collective expertise and possible solutions.
- Use Learning Support Coordinators, where available, to build capability across the school.
- Involve Ministry of Education specialists such as RTLB.
Support visiting specialists
Support visiting specialists
At times students and their whānau are supported by people and agencies outside of the school.
Consider how you can support these interactions and connections.
Consider these practicalities.
- The language of schools is often specialised and not commonly understood by people outside the sector. Consider how to support understanding.
- Who will be key contact person in the school and who is the back up if they are away?
- Where can a student and/or family meet with someone from the outside agency? Do you need to book a space?
- What resources will support the interaction: kai, cups of tea, paper and pens, an interpreter?
- What will support the smooth running of visits? For example, sharing the school calendar so visitors are aware of events that may alter the school day.
Connect with community and cultural disability groups
Connect with community and cultural disability groups
Build relationships with local iwi and Pasifika cultural and disability groups, such as the Pasifika Autism Support Group.
Reflection questions
Reflection questions
- Which experts and expert groups are we partnering with to support ākonga and meet their learning needs?
- What further expertise do we need to support ākonga? Where might we find it?
- Does our school have policies, procedures and communication systems that maintain and support strong partnerships with experts in our community?
Useful resources
Useful resources
Groups that can support you
A list of national organisations that support students with additional needs and their families.
Students requiring learning support
Services and aid available for children, students, teachers and schools as part of Learning Support.
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Leading with moral purpose”:
Current page Partner with external agencies
Return to the guide “Leading schools that include all learners ”
How to use this site
Guide to Index of the guide: Leading inclusive schools
Strategies for action:
Leading with moral purposeShow suggestions for Leading with moral purpose
- Demonstrate a commitment to inclusion
- Use inclusive language
- Have high expectations
- Partner with whānau
- Partner with external agencies
Strategically resourcing for inclusive practicesShow suggestions for Strategically resourcing for inclusive practices
Leading learning to support inclusive practicesShow suggestions for Leading learning to support inclusive practices