Review inclusive practices, transitions, and pathways
Review inclusive practices, transitions and pathways to identify strengths and areas for growth.
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Undertake a self review
Undertake a self review
Use the Inclusive Practices Toolkit to engage with students, staff and your school community to explore the extent to which your school practices are inclusive of all students.
Use the Inclusive Practices Tools
Use the Inclusive Practices Tools
The wellbeing@school Inclusive Practices Tools were developed by NZCER to support schools to build inclusive practices for all learners.
The Inclusive Practices Tools:
- focus on practices, systems, and structures rather than conditions or disabilities
- describe inclusive education practices
- give examples drawn from research on common barriers experienced by students with additional learning needs or disabilities
- use language that is inclusive of all students
- highlight the importance of inclusion for all students, and student diversity as a resource for learning.
Source: Adapted from Inclusive Practices Toolkit – Wellbeing@School (opens in a new tab/window)
Identify and address barriers
Identify and address barriers
Design for all ākonga by anticipating and addressing barriers in the learning environment. Shelly Morre outlines key strategies.
Closed Captions
Seek and respond to student voice
Seek and respond to student voice
The Lundy model of child participation ensures that children have the space to express their views, their voice is enabled, they have an audience for their views, and their views will have influence."
Useful resources
Useful resources
Getting started with self-review
This self-review guide is part of the Inclusive Practices Toolkit. Is has been designed to support schools to engage in a review process.
Principles and levels of self-review
This site provides an explanation of the forms and levels of effective self-review.
Publisher: Educational Leaders
Enhancing staff capability at Newtown School
This Education Gazette article shows how Newtown School’s commitment to being everybody’s school supports their culturally diverse students, and their wide range of needs.
Publisher: Education Gazette
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Leading learning to support inclusive practices”:
Current page Review inclusive practices, transitions, and pathways
Return to the guide “Leading schools that include all learners ”
How to use this site
Guide to Index of the guide: Leading inclusive schools
Strategies for action:
Leading with moral purposeShow suggestions for Leading with moral purpose
Strategically resourcing for inclusive practicesShow suggestions for Strategically resourcing for inclusive practices
Leading learning to support inclusive practicesShow suggestions for Leading learning to support inclusive practices
- Review inclusive practices, transitions, and pathways
- Provide leadership for teaching and learning
- Support collaborative planning and problem solving
- Cater for diverse learners