Identify and plan how to meet students' learning support needs
Use a team approach to gather information, understand and respond to student needs, and plan and monitor the effectiveness of learning approaches.
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Go to top of current page: Identify and plan how to meet students' learning support needs
Go to top of current page: Identify and plan how to meet students' learning support needs
Get the right people around the table
Get the right people around the table
- ākonga
- whānau
- class or home room teachers
- teacher aides
- in-school learning support staff, for example, the Learning Support Coordinator, support worker, SENCO or dean
- external Learning Support services, for example, RTLB, SLT, OT, BLENNZ
- external specialists
- other significant external support people, if appropriate, such as church or club leaders.
Deepen understanding of learning needs
Deepen understanding of learning needs
Use circles of evidence
Use circles of evidence

Make informed decisions
Make informed decisions
Analyse information from a variety of sources to identify student needs and coordinate support across the school.
- Take a team approach to enrich understanding of data.
- Design your information collection to include multiple perspectives, types of information and voices.
- Include the learner, their whānau and wider support team as well as the Learning Support Coordinator, if you have one.
- Use ethical means of data collection and seek approval when appropriate.
- Maintain privacy of data and apply privacy policies when using sensitive information.
- Make it easier to understand and share data, using graphs, charts and infographics.
- Split data by groups to inform school resourcing or PLD needs.
- Establish processes and timelines for reporting to groups such as the school board, whānau, students and other stakeholders.
Use a range of tools
Use a range of tools
Use a range of informal and formal tools to track how ākonga are going with their learning and to identify any signs that they may need support.
Record and share information
Record and share information
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Strategically resourcing for inclusive practices”:
Current page Identify and plan how to meet students' learning support needs
Return to the guide “Leading schools that include all learners ”
How to use this site
Guide to Index of the guide: Leading inclusive schools
Strategies for action:
Leading with moral purposeShow suggestions for Leading with moral purpose
Strategically resourcing for inclusive practicesShow suggestions for Strategically resourcing for inclusive practices
- Identify and plan how to meet students' learning support needs
- Plan, resource and monitor inclusion
- Support professional learning in inclusive practices
- Support wellbeing
Leading learning to support inclusive practicesShow suggestions for Leading learning to support inclusive practices