24 March 2025

Present information in different ways, using a multi-sensory approach

Multi-sensory instruction makes it easier for students to work in the way that’s best for them

Support under­standing with visuals

Support under­standing with visuals

Offer information in more than one way. 

Use symbols and graphics to illustrate text.

Keep the layout clean and uncluttered.

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Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Offer multiple opportunities to build understanding

Offer multiple opportunities to build understanding

Provide different options for students to meet their learning goals.

  • Offer real experiences, physical activities, and manipulables to support understanding.
  • Support text and spoken information with photos, graphics, audio, and video.
  • Present digital text rather than printed text so that students can personalise it by changing the font size and design or by listening to it.
  • Use online tools such as Google sites or Moodle to bring together different versions of content in one place (for example, a YouTube video, a graphic, and some text).

Use technologies

Use technologies

Online tools enable students to work at their own pace.

Select computer-based learning programs that enable repetition, are visual, provide immediate feedback, and are hands-on.

Provide all students with access to tools that:

  • support collaboration and timely feedback, such as Google Docs
  • can be customised to meet their needs and preferences
  • provide for repetition and allow students to revisit.

Hands-on learning

Hands-on learning

Provide a range of opportunities for students to move and physically engage in learning.

Multi-sensory approaches help by activating different pathways in the brain and making the abstract more concrete.

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Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Useful resources

Useful resources


UDL-aligned strategies

UDL-aligned strategies are instructional methods and tools used by teachers to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to learn. These guidelines help to select strategies that remove barriers in instruction so that all students can achieve their learning goals.

Publisher: Goalbook

Visit website

Next steps

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Strategies for action:
