Take a UDL approach
Strategies to strengthen inclusive practice
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Adopt a people-first design process
Adopt a people-first design process
The UDL Thinking Cycle is one approach to applying UDL.
It helps us anticipate potential barriers to learning and identify useful supports that can be offered to everyone.
Check out the guiding questions in the interactive version of the UDL Thinking Cycle.
Introduce UDL to ākonga
Introduce UDL to ākonga
Support ākonga to co-design teaching and learning approaches that are going to work for them.
Introduce them to UDL and review current needs and preferences.
Identify together potential barriers to learning and useful supports.
- Play the Understanding Universal Design for Learning video or the UDL and the NZC video to introduce ākonga to UDL.
- Discuss key themes and share why you are learning about and also introducing them to UDL.
- Invite ākonga to complete the downloadable "Supporting learning: What's in the way & what would help?' activity or create a similar activity for your own context.
- Review completed templates (here is an example) and note common barriers and requests for support.
- If possible, discuss as a department or learning area and take a coordinated approach.
- Discuss with ākonga possible actions you will take to meet their learning needs and preferences and get their feedback.
- Trial changes in practice, review with ākonga and continue to explore UDL together.
Pre-empt barriers and build-in useful supports
Pre-empt barriers and build-in useful supports
Introduce all ākonga to assistive technologies
Introduce all ākonga to assistive technologies
Assistive technologies (AT), such as Text-to-Speech, are a valuable option for all ākonga.
They can support access to large volumes of reading material and support the production of written tasks.
Screen readers (text-to-speech)
Screen readers can be used in class and for assessments. They support access to information and reduce cognitive load.
Speech recognition (speech-to-text)
A useful tool for getting down ideas by talking.
Rate enhancement and writing support
Proofreading tools and topic dictionaries, such as the Mirriam Webster picture dictionary.
Magnification / visual aids
Standalone magnification applications such as Zoomtext have a screen reader built in and the functionality can be used together.
This research summary of AT used by NCEA candidates contains an inventory and explanations of tools commonly used by NZ students. It identifies what can be used in assessments.
Useful resources
Useful resources
Key questions to consider when planning lessons
Nine self-review questions, aligned to the UDL guidelines, which support teachers to think about: how learners will engage with the lesson, how information is presented to learners, and how learners are expected to act strategically and express themselves.
Publisher: CAST
Download PDF
Planning with Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Read time: 3 min
A series of downloadable templates that help you to use UDL when you plan your teaching and assessments.
Accommodations: What they are and how they work
Read time: 4 min
An explanation of accommodations in plain English. Examples of accommodations with a link to further information on using them in the classroom.
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Supporting literacy and numeracy in NCEA”:
Return to the guide “Dyslexia and learning”

How to use this site
Guide to Index of the guide: Dyslexia and learning
- Understanding dyslexia
Understanding dyslexia and literacy acquisitionShow suggestions for Understanding dyslexia and literacy acquisition
Strategies for action:
Develop a schoolwide approachShow suggestions for Develop a schoolwide approach
Identify student needs and how to provide supportShow suggestions for Identify student needs and how to provide support
Support early literacy development through a structured literacy approachShow suggestions for Support early literacy development through a structured literacy approach
Helpful classroom strategies in years 1–8Show suggestions for Helpful classroom strategies in years 1–8
Helpful classroom strategies in years 9–13Show suggestions for Helpful classroom strategies in years 9–13
Supporting literacy and numeracy in NCEAShow suggestions for Supporting literacy and numeracy in NCEA