Ask the student what will help
Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Identify student needs and how to provide support’
On this page:
On this page:
Current page section: Ask the student what will help
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Go to top of current page: Ask the student what will help
Go to top of current page: Ask the student what will help
Ask what helps
Ask what helps
Discuss possible supports and make these available to all students.
Tate from Onslow College explains what works for him in the classroom.
Support self-advocacy with learner profiles
Support self-advocacy with learner profiles
Having students create a learner profile for themselves is a great way to have them develop a better and fuller understanding of who they are as learners …
This develops their independence and places them in a better position to self-advocate for the tools, learning materials, and presentation options that can optimise their learning experiences.
Naryn Searcy
Source: UDL Resource (opens in a new tab/window)
Personalise learner profiles
Personalise learner profiles
A learner profile is created by students and whānau.
Students can choose to present information in any media.
![6357 [Learner-profile2.png]](
Take a strengths-based approach
Take a strengths-based approach
Know your learners – understand what they can do, what their strengths are, and what their specific needs are.
Find out about:
- what motivates them
- what they are good at and enjoy doing
- what rewards them and reinforces their behaviours
- important people in their lives
- cultural connections and experiences and languages spoken
- how they like to unwind and relax
- dislikes and things they avoid
- how they like to learn and what helps them learn
- things that make it hard for them to learn
- what they do when they need help.
Create a safe environment
Create a safe environment
Create an environment where your students are comfortable asking for what they need.
![11839 [IMG-6183.jpg]](
Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga
Useful resources
Useful resources

Developing learner profiles
Read time: 3 min
This document provides general support and guidance when developing a learner profile. It includes prompts and questions, alongside purpose and benefits for students.
Download PDF (211 KB)

About me
This learner profile template is a companion to "Developing learner profiles". It is an interactive PDF with questions for students to answer.
Download PDF (596 KB)
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Identify student needs and how to provide support”:
Current page Ask the student what will help
Return to the guide “Dyslexia and learning”

How to use this site
Guide to Index of the guide: Dyslexia and learning
- Understanding dyslexia
Understanding dyslexia and literacy acquisitionShow suggestions for Understanding dyslexia and literacy acquisition
Strategies for action:
Develop a schoolwide approachShow suggestions for Develop a schoolwide approach
Identify student needs and how to provide supportShow suggestions for Identify student needs and how to provide support
- Ask the student what will help
- Partner with whānau
- Organisations, programmes, and resources
Support early literacy development through a structured literacy approachShow suggestions for Support early literacy development through a structured literacy approach
Helpful classroom strategies in years 1–8Show suggestions for Helpful classroom strategies in years 1–8
Helpful classroom strategies in years 9–13Show suggestions for Helpful classroom strategies in years 9–13
Supporting literacy and numeracy in NCEAShow suggestions for Supporting literacy and numeracy in NCEA