04 March 2025

Provide reading supports for literacy in NCEA

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Practice skimming and scanning

Practice skimming and scanning

Skimming and scanning are valuable life-long literacy skills:

  • Skimming is reading to get the overall meaning of the text.
  • Scanning is reading to search for specific information.

Create oppportunities for ākonga to practice these skills in pairs or small groups:

  • Look down a table of contents (or navigation headings online) to identify where to look in a larger text.
  • Look down the page by reading the headings and decide whether the information will answer your question.
  • Use a highlighter (real or virtual for online) to highlight key ideas.
  • Annotate texts, using a notes function (online), or sticky notes to identify key ideas or specific answers to questions.
  • Use a graphic organiser to record important ideas. Akonga can use these to make a plan for writing.
  • Highlight unfamiliar words and make a personal glossary doc.
  • For reading hardcopy, to help ākonga focus on the text and not lose their place, demonstrate how to move a pencil or pen along the lines in a smooth motion.
  • On-screen reading – Use the highlighting or text-to speech tool to focus on important information only.

Remove barriers to comprehension

Remove barriers to comprehension

Student, Ryan and dyslexia expert, Sue Dymock, talk about accessing text using a screen reader, charts, diagrams, and YouTube clips.

Useful diagnostic tools

Useful diagnostic tools

The Literacy Pedagogy Guides (LPGs) provide authentic literacy-rich contexts in each learning area.

Trial small, effective teaching steps outlined in the Effective Practices to Support NCEA Literacy to find what works best for each ākonga across a range of contexts, so they are reinforced and become transferable.

Use the L5 Assessment Resource Banks (ARBs) Learning Progression Framework – Reading map to practice the different aspects of reading.

Next steps

Return to the guide “Dyslexia and learning”

Guide to Index of the guide: Dyslexia and learning

Strategies for action:
