Provide reading supports for literacy in NCEA
Strategies to strengthen inclusive practice
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Use a reading guide
Use a reading guide
A three level reading guide can help ākonga with comprehension and analysis of complex texts.
Use this document to develop your own reading guide.
Practice skimming and scanning
Practice skimming and scanning
Skimming and scanning are valuable life-long literacy skills:
- Skimming is reading to get the overall meaning of the text.
- Scanning is reading to search for specific information.
Create oppportunities for ākonga to practice these skills in pairs or small groups:
- Look down a table of contents (or navigation headings online) to identify where to look in a larger text.
- Look down the page by reading the headings and decide whether the information will answer your question.
- Use a highlighter (real or virtual for online) to highlight key ideas.
- Annotate texts, using a notes function (online), or sticky notes to identify key ideas or specific answers to questions.
- Use a graphic organiser to record important ideas. Akonga can use these to make a plan for writing.
- Highlight unfamiliar words and make a personal glossary doc.
- For reading hardcopy, to help ākonga focus on the text and not lose their place, demonstrate how to move a pencil or pen along the lines in a smooth motion.
- On-screen reading – Use the highlighting or text-to speech tool to focus on important information only.
Remove barriers to comprehension
Remove barriers to comprehension
Closed Captions
Useful diagnostic tools
Useful diagnostic tools
The Literacy Pedagogy Guides (LPGs) provide authentic literacy-rich contexts in each learning area.
Trial small, effective teaching steps outlined in the Effective Practices to Support NCEA Literacy to find what works best for each ākonga across a range of contexts, so they are reinforced and become transferable.
Use the L5 Assessment Resource Banks (ARBs) Learning Progression Framework – Reading map to practice the different aspects of reading.
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Supporting literacy and numeracy in NCEA”:
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How to use this site
Guide to Index of the guide: Dyslexia and learning
- Understanding dyslexia
Understanding dyslexia and literacy acquisitionShow suggestions for Understanding dyslexia and literacy acquisition
Strategies for action:
Develop a schoolwide approachShow suggestions for Develop a schoolwide approach
Identify student needs and how to provide supportShow suggestions for Identify student needs and how to provide support
Support early literacy development through a structured literacy approachShow suggestions for Support early literacy development through a structured literacy approach
Helpful classroom strategies in years 1–8Show suggestions for Helpful classroom strategies in years 1–8
Helpful classroom strategies in years 9–13Show suggestions for Helpful classroom strategies in years 9–13
Supporting literacy and numeracy in NCEAShow suggestions for Supporting literacy and numeracy in NCEA