18 February 2025

Communicate and share information for successful transitions

Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Create inclusive systems’

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Successful transition tips

Successful transition tips

Parental and learner anxiety about safety increases with changes of environments and teachers.

  • Assure families and whānau that allergies are taken seriously.
  • Follow-up on a child or young person’s enrolment information. Contact parents proactively.
  • Communicate with families about allergy management.
  • Ensure families and whānau provide their child’s or young person's action plan for allergy management before transitions occur.
  • Ensure all staff, including after-school carers, relief teachers, and food technology and hospitality teachers are aware of learners at risk of anaphylaxis and their allergy triggers.
  • Identify whether the student is eligible for the High Health Needs Fund.
  • Connect with your public health nurse for staff training.
  • Support staff to access and complete the ASCIA online training.
  • Provide NZQA-approved, first-aid training that includes anaphylaxis response training, and trains according to ASCIA guidelines.

Use your SMS

Use your SMS

Share information about student allergies and treatments through your student management system (SMS), so that all staff are prepared.

11538 [New-Administration-Student-Record-1.png]

Source: Assembly Student Management System

School High Health Needs Fund

School High Health Needs Fund

As part of your transition process consider whether a student is eligible to receive support.

Students may be eligible if they:

  • have severe allergies, asthma, or eczema and could react to common allergy triggers at school
  • need someone with them to make sure they don’t come into contact with anything that could trigger an allergic reaction
  • need someone to carry out emergency treatment if they go into anaphylactic shock.

For more information, refer to the Eligibility criteria for the School High Health Needs Fund.

Source: Ministry of Education (opens in a new tab/window)

Transition to school

Transition to school

Use these 5 skills to support transition from early learning services to school.

11561 [5-Skills-for-starting-school-with-allergies.png]

Source: Ministry of Education

Ministry of Education

Useful resources

Useful resources


Starting kinder or preschool with food allergies

Read time: 5 min

This discussion guide provides families with ideas for strategies that can assist the management of allergies at childcare facilities.

Publisher: Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia

Download PDF


Transition to school

Read time: 6 min

This video provides information, advice, and support for parents of children with allergies who are starting school.

Publisher: Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia

Visit website


Parent 10-point plan for school management of students at risk of anaphylaxis

Read time: 2 min

This resource provides effective steps parents can take to support the school’s management of students who are at risk of anaphylaxis.

Publisher: Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia

Download PDF

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Create inclusive systems”:

Return to the guide “Allergies and learning”
