Provide professional learning for all staff
Ongoing professional development strengthens knowledge, skills, attitudes and systems.
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Identify staff needs
Identify staff needs
Ensure all staff know how to:
- minimise a learner's exposure to known allergens
- recognise signs and symptoms of an mild-to-moderate allergic reaction
- locate a learner's EpiPen
- respond appropriately in the event of anaphylaxis
- administer adrenaline with an EpiPen
- follow agreed systems and processes, for example, for accessing allergy action plans or accessing medication
- provide immediate first-aid assistance.
Public health nurses provide training
Public health nurses provide training
Public health nurses provide annual training for staff on:
- what allergy is
- what anaphylaxis is
- triggers for allergies and anaphylaxis
- recognising anaphylaxis
- preventing anaphylaxis
- what to do in the event of a child having a severe allergic reaction
- using an adrenaline autoinjector.
Source: Allergy and Anaphylaxis Guidelines for Schools and Kura (opens in a new tab/window)
Partner with outside agencies
Partner with outside agencies
These agencies offer professional learning.
- Allergy New Zealand – guidelines and resources to assist parents and caregivers, educators, and school staff.
- Anaphylaxis e-training – free online modules for early childhood services and schools, developed by ASCIA.
- DHB Public Health Nurses (PHNs) – schools are allocated a PHN to support and advise on children's health and liaise with family doctors, specialists, and other health providers.
- EpiClub® – provide an information resource pack for New Zealand teachers and students. The pack contains a range of tools that explain anaphylaxis and what to do in an allergic emergency. It includes a free EpiPen® training device.
- NZQA-approved, first-aid training for all staff. Check that the course provided includes training about anaphylaxis and trains according to ASCIA guidelines.
Early learning services
Early learning services
A paediatric dietitian shares how childcare providers can ensure safe environments for children with food hypersensitivities.
This is part 1, view part 2 of the series.
Closed Captions
Display emergency instructions
Display emergency instructions
Download and display posters, so they are clearly visible in the centre, classrooms and in staff areas.
Regularly review what to do with staff.
Useful resources
Useful resources
ASCIA anaphylaxis e-training for schools and early childhood education/care
These are practical online training modules.
Publisher: Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy
Allergy and Anaphylaxis Australia
This website provides practical information about allergies and anaphylaxis and resources for parents and schools
Publisher: Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia

Allergy and Anaphylaxis Guidelines for Schools and Kura
Read time: 37 min
Guidelines to support school leadership, management, and teachers throughout New Zealand to manage allergies and anaphylaxis.
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Create inclusive systems”:
Current page Provide professional learning
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How to use this site
Guide to Index of the guide: Allergies and learning
Strategies for action:
Recognise and respond to allergic reactionsShow suggestions for Recognise and respond to allergic reactions
Develop and implement health and safety policies and proceduresShow suggestions for Develop and implement health and safety policies and procedures
Create inclusive systemsShow suggestions for Create inclusive systems
- Develop allergy-aware environments
- Provide professional learning
- Communicate information
Create an inclusive learning environmentShow suggestions for Create an inclusive learning environment