Review your incident response register and procedures
Schools and early learning services must report, record and investigate all incidents, and identify any trends to their health and safety rep and WorkSafe where appropriate.
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Legal requirements
Legal requirements
WorkSafe NZ must be notified when work-related incidents/events occur.
Record and investigate all allergic reactions, whether mild or severe, that require medication and teacher time/attention.
Reportable incidents include:
- fatalities
- serious injuries and illnesses
- unplanned or uncontrolled workplace incidents that could put people at risk of serious injury or illness.
Schools and early learning services must:
- report, record, and investigate all incidents accurately and promptly
- identify any trends
- report these to their health and safety representative and/or BoT, and WorkSafe, if it is a notifiable incident.
Incident response register
Incident response register
Consider how your policy refers explicitly to children and young people with allergies.
Maintain an up-to-date incident response register to record and reflect on:
- the cause of the incident
- treatment given
- how the incident was managed
- the frequency of treatment given – to identify whether any potential triggers can be minimised.
ACC cover for allergic reactions – This document provides guidance on when ACC is likely to cover allergic reactions.
Illness and injury management
Illness and injury management
Be clear on what events need to be notified in the education sector.
Record incidents on your response register – Illness and Injury Management
School and ECE procedures
School and ECE procedures
School health and safety policies
School health and safety policies
Use the Health and Safety Practical Guide for Boards of Trustees and School Leaders to support your understanding of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.
A school’s health and safety policy must include:
- the school’s commitment to accurate reporting and recording
- reporting to the Board of Trustees on accident frequencies and severity
- reporting serious harm injuries to WorkSafe and the Ministry of Education
- the school’s commitment to continuous improvement and the encouragement of best practice in health and safety management.
Useful resources
Useful resources
Injury and illness management
Guidance on how best to manage staff illness and injury. The page also includes downloadable resources that aid with reporting incidents and following proper procedures.
Health and safety practical guide for Boards of Trustees and school leaders
Sample policies and procedures, tools, and checklists that support Boards of Trustees and school leaders to develop a clear understanding of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.
Examples of risk minimisation strategies for schools, preschools and childcare services
Read time: 12 min
This is a practical list of issues to be considered when developing policies and processes for dealing with allergies.
Publisher: Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia
Download PDF
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Develop and implement health and safety policies and procedures”:
Current page Review your incident register
Return to the guide “Allergies and learning”
How to use this site
Guide to Index of the guide: Allergies and learning
Strategies for action:
Recognise and respond to allergic reactionsShow suggestions for Recognise and respond to allergic reactions
Develop and implement health and safety policies and proceduresShow suggestions for Develop and implement health and safety policies and procedures
- Review your enrolment policies
- Review your incident register
- Review food safety policies
- Review medication policies
- Plan safe trips
Create inclusive systemsShow suggestions for Create inclusive systems
Create an inclusive learning environmentShow suggestions for Create an inclusive learning environment