Allergy action plans
Use an allergy action plan to prepare for, and treat, allergy emergencies.
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Families provide action plans
Families provide action plans
Families and whānau are responsible for providing an up-to-date allergy action plan, which they get from a registered medical practitioner.
Plans are prepared using ASCIA templates for anaphylaxis and allergic reactions.
Action plans should be updated:
- following an annual doctor’s appointment
- when a new auto injector is purchased
- when allergy information changes.
If a child or young person is at risk of anaphylaxis, they will be prescribed an adrenaline auto-injector (EpiPen) and given an Anaphylaxis Action Plan.
ASCIA allergy action plans
ASCIA allergy action plans
ASCIA’s Action Plan for Anaphylaxis provides instructions for treatment.
ASCIA’s Action Plan for Allergic Reactions is for individuals with medically confirmed allergies, who must avoid certain allergens but have not been prescribed EpiPens.
![11536 [ASCIA-posters.png]](
Request action plans
Request action plans
Request and collect allergy and anaphylaxis action plans as part of the enrolment process.
Plans should be reviewed and updated annually.
Source: Ministry of Education
No allergy action plan?
No allergy action plan?
Not every child will have an ASCIA allergy action plan.
Parents or caregivers may indicate on the enrolment form that their child has allergies, but they don’t have an allergy action plan. This may be because:
- the allergy is mild and the student does not require an ASCIA allergy plan
- the family don’t know that allergy plans are available from the doctor – ASCIA information for parents
- the allergy is not life threatening (pollen or animal dander allergies).
Ensure you collect all necessary and relevant information from parents and whānau so that all staff are aware of the triggers and preventative measures to ensure the child is safe.
Use your SMS
Use your SMS
Share information about student allergies and treatments through your student management system (SMS), so that all staff are prepared.
![11538 [New-Administration-Student-Record-1.png]](
Source: Assembly Student Management System
Useful resources
Useful resources
ASCIA action plans for anaphylaxis
These concise, easy-to-follow, single-page documents assist in the emergency treatment of anaphylaxis.
Publisher: Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy

Supporting ākonga with health conditions
Read time: 10 min
This guidance helps early learning services and schools embrace and support ākonga (learners) with health conditions. It sets the scene for you to do so in ways that keep them safe, enrich their hauora and nurture their continued growth and learning.
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Recognise and respond to allergic reactions”:
Current page Allergy action plans
Return to the guide “Allergies and learning”
How to use this site
Guide to Index of the guide: Allergies and learning
Strategies for action:
Recognise and respond to allergic reactionsShow suggestions for Recognise and respond to allergic reactions
- Allergy action plans
- Mild to moderate allergic reactions
- Signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis
- Anaphylaxis response
Develop and implement health and safety policies and proceduresShow suggestions for Develop and implement health and safety policies and procedures
Create inclusive systemsShow suggestions for Create inclusive systems
Create an inclusive learning environmentShow suggestions for Create an inclusive learning environment