Develop a planning and reflection cycle that involves and engages all stakeholders
Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Collaboratively developing an inclusive ILE’
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Phases of school and system improvement
Phases of school and system improvement
Break your project into phases to inform your approach, timeline, and budget.
- Phase One – Understanding the culture and vision for your school
- Phase Two – Research and review
- Phase Three – Planning and managing change
- Phase Four – Building capacity of teachers
- Phase Five – Ongoing reflection, evaluation and improvement.
Tools to evaluate, plan, and monitor
Tools to evaluate, plan, and monitor
- Educational positioning system – A comprehensive process for formative school self-review. Use this tool to shape and direct future development.
- Grow Waitaha monitoring and evaluation tool – Adapt or use the tool to evaluate, plan, and monitor your progress throughout the build process.
- School Evaluation of Physical Environment – Tool to assess how well the physical environment supports your teaching and learning approaches, the diverse needs of your students, and the wellbeing of everyone on site. Part of the 10 Year Property Plan process.
Investigate needs
Investigate needs
Set up an inquiry to understand the needs of your stakeholders. Identify pedagogical changes and the impact of these on learning.
Useful resources
Useful resources

Learning studio pilot review
Read time: 39 min
A reference document for those involved in providing new or remodelled facilities on school sites. It includes a summary of positive outcomes and problems encountered in a pilot development of eight FLS in schools across New Zealand.
Innovative learning environments and teacher change
Australian project to investigate ILEs and teacher practices from a range of perspectives.
Publisher: University of Melbourne
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Collaborate to develop an inclusive ILE”:
Current page Develop a planning and reflection cycle
Return to the guide “Planning innovative learning environments (ILEs)”
How to use this site
Guide to Index of the guide: ILEs
Strategies for action:
Collaborate to develop an inclusive ILEShow suggestions for Collaborate to develop an inclusive ILE
- Articulate how an ILE supports your school vision
- Establish a planning team
- Develop a planning and reflection cycle
- Give everyone a voice
Develop inclusive teaching practicesShow suggestions for Develop inclusive teaching practices
Design for all from the outsetShow suggestions for Design for all from the outset
Involve students in transition to new spaceShow suggestions for Involve students in transition to new space
Work with parents and whānauShow suggestions for Work with parents and whānau