10 March 2025

Introduce new learning approaches and routines to parents and whānau prior to moving

Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Involving parents and whānau in planning and preparing for the transition to the new space’

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Engage parents early on

Engage parents early on

Research shows that schools that involve their communities and involve their parents are far more successful, so early on we deliberately set about a process of involving the parents in the quality schools project. This included parent evening meetings and bringing parents to the school to have a look at what was happening in the classroom.

Des Hedley, Principal, Springlands School

Source: Link-1453


Make learning visible

Make learning visible

Provide opportunities for parents to see what learning looks like and engage them early in the process.

  • Plan open evenings and walk-throughs.
  • Create an online space, such as a blog or a page on your school website, which is frequently updated with information, images, and video explaining your ILE.
  • Provide multiple opportunities for parents and the community to discuss, ask questions, observe, experience, and explore ideas.
  • Provide multiple ways for parents to ask questions (for example, emails, surveys, blog comments, and face-to-face meetings).
  • Provide opportunities for parents to see how ILEs work in other schools. Invite other schools in to share their practice, share videos, and research.
  • Provide opportunities for parents to learn about and use new technologies.
  • Share examples of timetables and ask for parent feedback.
  • Explain the physical organisation of the school – focusing specifically on how learners with diverse needs are planned for and supported.
  • Explain the layout of classroom spaces and how these cater for the differing needs of students.

Create a factsheet

Create a factsheet

Create a fact sheet explaining how spaces will be used for learning. Display this around the school and send it to parents.

10544 [flexible-learning-space-01.jpg]

Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Teach parents to use online tools

Teach parents to use online tools

Parents were trained in how to use Moodle at home, since students would need to use it when responding to questions and completing assignments.

Parents were taught how to monitor their child’s responses, and how to work with them on assignments.

Partner with parents

Partner with parents

Learning partnerships are strengthened when parents can work with the school for the benefit of their child.


  • appreciate having their views about their child listened to
  • value ongoing opportunities to discuss their child’s progress and achievement
  • believe it helps when programmes are well matched to their child’s needs and any homework given is appropriate to their child’s abilities.

Source: Partners in Learning: Parents' voices (2008) (opens in a new tab/window)

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Work with parents and whānau”:

Return to the guide “Planning innovative learning environments (ILEs)”
