Teach coping strategies
Provide a kete of strategies to help students cope when they are faced with challenges.
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Getting past getting stuck
Getting past getting stuck
Getting stuck can cause frustration and embarrassment.
Introduce istudents to the "learning pit" and support them to learn what to do when they don’t know what to do..
Closed Captions
Practise useful strategies
Practise useful strategies
Use the Ata and Oho cards and activities to identify challenges and then develop strategies to navigate them using the Element, Challenge, Context, Impact and Emotion cards.
Respond to ākonga needs
Respond to ākonga needs
For example:
- Visuals to support calming strategies.
- Frameworks for understanding emotional states such as the zones of regulation.
- Language to use when emotions are heightened.
- Breathing techniques to give time to think and process emotions.
- Systems for taking time out or a movement break.
- Protocols for using calming areas.
- Thinking frameworks to help students to solve problems as they arise such as the learning pit
- Calming activities box
- Sensory Kete
Offer practical activities
Offer practical activities
The Sparklers website offers a range of free activities for managing emotions. The energy roller coaster is an example.
Use the A to Z of coping strategies
Use the A to Z of coping strategies
This video, A to Z of coping strategies, has ideas, strategies and techniques to help a young person to cope better if they are experiencing stresses and pressures which are making them feel in crisis.
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Foster wellbeing and mental health”:
Current page Teach coping strategies
Return to the guide “Behaviour and learning”

How to use this site
Guide to Index of the guide: Behaviour and learning
Strategies for action:
- Use trauma-informed practices
- Prioritise wellbeing
- Support mental health
- Teach relaxation techniques
- Teach coping strategies