Explore and find solutions together
The ngahere works as one system to nurture young plants. If ākonga are showing signs of struggling with stress or distress, it falls on the adults to help them work out what might not be working in their school or class environment.
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Go to top of current page: Explore and find solutions together
Go to top of current page: Explore and find solutions together
Be curious
Be curious
For example:
- Step outside your own worldview.
- Be comfortable with uncertainty.
- Be mindful of your own assumptions and biases.
- Listen and observe.
- Deliberately adopt a “not knowing” stance.
- Support ākonga and whānau to lead and guide the conversations.
Work as a team
Work as a team
Have the right people at the table
Have the right people at the table
Determine who will be part of the learning support community to work in partnership with teachers, ākonga and their whānau.
This infographic decision pathway may help: Who's at your table – Tātai Aho Rau (PDF, 118KB)
Possible collaborators could include:
- Leadership representatives or deans
- Trusted community support people
- Colleagues who have expertise or trusting relationships with ākonga and whānau
- Teacher aides
- Learning support coordinators or facilitators
- Resource Teachers: Learning and Behaviour
- Iwi services
- Disability support groups
- Community, local religious or youth leaders
- Ministry of Education specialists, such as speech-language therapist or educational psychologist
- Local medical, child and adolescent mental health services
- Local social work services
Defining the purpose of the group
Defining the purpose of the group
If the intention is to develop strengths-based partnerships, parties need, at the very least, a shared understanding of the purpose of the partnership and their respective roles in it.
Ally Bull
Use circles of evidence
Use circles of evidence

Check your thinking with your peers
Check your thinking with your peers
Take every opportunity to check your thinking and observations with your teaching peers.
Closed Captions
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Foster relationships and partnerships”:
Current page Explore and find solutions together
Return to the guide “Behaviour and learning”

How to use this site
Guide to Index of the guide: Behaviour and learning
Strategies for action:
Commit to whole-school approachesShow suggestions for Commit to whole-school approaches
Foster relationships and partnershipsShow suggestions for Foster relationships and partnerships
- Deepen relationships with students and whānau
- Connect with daily interactions
- Explore and find solutions together
- Empower students
- Support positive peer relationships
Design learning for allShow suggestions for Design learning for all
Foster wellbeing and mental healthShow suggestions for Foster wellbeing and mental health
Embed social and emotional learningShow suggestions for Embed social and emotional learning
Be proactiveShow suggestions for Be proactive
Respond in challenging situationsShow suggestions for Respond in challenging situations