Identify factors that shape behaviour
By identifying factors that shape behaviour, we can act to support ākonga effectively.
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Gather information to inform practice
Gather information to inform practice
- Develop information and data collection, monitoring, and reporting systems.
- Identify and respond to issues early.
- Share effective approaches across home and school.
- Identify and cater for professional development needs.
- Develop clear communication and monitoring systems to ensure information is passed between staff and settings.
- Develop and use a decision-making process that is centred on the learner and allows for shared knowledge and collaboration.
- Develop processes for accountability and ongoing review of behaviour approaches.
Value whānau knowledge
Value whānau knowledge
My son is... intelligent, musically talented, responsible, loving, and very good company.
My son is not great at decoding. Actually he is terrible, but he loves to read using his Kindle. He loves to learn and finds ways to learn all the time with his iPad.
Parent of child with dyslexia
Learn about preferences and sensitivities
Learn about preferences and sensitivities
- Seek and act on student voice.
- Give ākonga and whānau regular opportunities to share preferences and sensitivities. These may change over time.
- Notice differences in behaviour between spaces, contexts and teachers.
- Identify factors that support success and aim to replicate them as far as possible.
- Identify factors that cause distress and minimise or address those things within your control.
Ask what helps
Ask what helps
Discuss possible supports and make these available to all students.
Tate from Onslow College explains what works for him in the classroom.
Build the learner profile over time
Build the learner profile over time
Considerations for learner profiles.
- Provide multiple opportunities and methods to develop the profile.
- Prioritise information from students by using effective communication techniques, for example, point to select, or communication boards.
- Revisit the profile on a regular basis to add depth and new insights.
- Use a range of input methods such as conversations, observations, formal reviews and regular surveys.
- Encourage students to understand their needs and preferences as a learner.
- Act on information that is shared so students can see how their voice helps you design learning experiences that work for them.
Walk in learner's shoes
Walk in learner's shoes
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Be proactive”:
Current page Identify factors that shape behaviour
Return to the guide “Behaviour and learning”

How to use this site
Guide to Index of the guide: Behaviour and learning
Strategies for action:
Commit to whole-school approachesShow suggestions for Commit to whole-school approaches
Foster relationships and partnershipsShow suggestions for Foster relationships and partnerships
Design learning for allShow suggestions for Design learning for all
Foster wellbeing and mental healthShow suggestions for Foster wellbeing and mental health
Embed social and emotional learningShow suggestions for Embed social and emotional learning
Be proactiveShow suggestions for Be proactive
- Identify factors that shape behaviour
- Recognise and remove barriers to learning
- Manage times of stress or change
- Recognise emerging distress
- Plan and practise adult responses
- Create support plans
Respond in challenging situationsShow suggestions for Respond in challenging situations