Partner with whānau, parents and caregivers
Good communication between home and school supports a genuine partnership between ākonga, whānau and kaiako.
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Build trust
Build trust
As ADHD is often hereditary, parents may have had a difficult time at school and have low expectations of support.
Take time to build trust and confidence.
Work together
Work together
Suggestions for working together with parents, caregivers and whānau.
- Communicate and share information in a meaningful way, demonstrating understanding and support for parents’ concerns.
- Value what parents and caregivers have noticed or assessments they have had done outside school.
- Involve parents and caregivers in determining strategies to support student learning and well-being.
- Work with any programmes or materials they are using at home, to maximise consistency and support for the student.
- Develop systems for passing on information about a student’s needs, progress and next steps in ways that are meaningful.
- Share information about out-of-school programmes (for example, classes or groups for music, art, debating or sport).
- Actively and regularly communicate positive information and achievements to the family.
What to ask
What to ask
Connect with parents, whānau, and caregivers to understand the strengths and needs of students.
Practical elements:
- the language(s) spoken at home
- medications and allergies
- equipment used at home
- what they do at home to support learning
Students' likes and dislikes:
- likes, interests, strengths, what they’re good at, can do independently
- dislikes, what can upset them, how they express this, calming skills
- favourites (TV programmes, hobbies, books, songs, sports)
The people in the students' lives:
- parent and whānau hopes and priorities
- important people in the student’s life
- best methods and times to communicate with the family
- professionals working with the family
- questions they have and support they would like from the school.
Manage medication
Manage medication
Some students with ADHD take medication.
Work with family and whānau to create a medication plan that sets out when and how much medication is given.
- Read your student’s plan and keep it handy.
- Know your role in helping your student to take their medication. Know, for example, whether you need to prompt them to take it and how you will do that. You may need to arrange safe storage for the medication.
- Learn to recognise when the medication has worn off or if it is causing side effects.
- Provide a private place for your student to take their medication.
- Do not disclose medication use to other students without permission.
Useful resources
Useful resources
Family/whānau file
A booklet to help parents of students with additional needs to brief their child’s school.
Seesaw: Student driven digital portfolios
Seesaw is a multi-platform e-portfolio app which provides a way for students to share their work, and receive feedback from their teachers and families.
Publisher: Seesaw Learning Inc.
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Identify needs and how to provide support”:
Current page Partner with whānau
Return to the guide “ADHD and learning”
How to use this site
Guide to Index of the guide: ADHD and learning
Strategies for action:
Identify needs and how to provide supportShow suggestions for Identify needs and how to provide support
- Ask the student what will help
- Partner with whānau
- Assessment and monitoring
Support self-regulation and positive behaviourShow suggestions for Support self-regulation and positive behaviour
Helpful classroom strategies years 1-8Show suggestions for Helpful classroom strategies years 1-8
Helpful classroom strategies years 9-13Show suggestions for Helpful classroom strategies years 9-13