18 February 2025

Support processing and organisation skills

Support ākonga to manage their time and attention in the classroom

Support transitions between activities

Support transitions between activities

Support students with ADHD to end one activity and begin another.

  • Provide a warning five to ten minutes in advance that a class or lesson is about to end.
  • Use physical activities, such as standing and taking deep breaths, to mark the change from one lesson to another. Simple stretching or singing exercises are other ways to mark the transition.
  • Display a visual, daily timetable on the whiteboard with the outline for the day and refer to it when letting students know what is coming next.
  • Encourage students to self-manage timing with a vibrating watch or a timer on their cellphone. They can set it to silently vibrate at particular intervals as reminders to transition to the next activity or class.

Support concentration

Support concentration

Attention, on-task, and activation strategies.

  • Provide instruction in short segments (teach → student activity → teach → student activity).
  • Provide students with checklists, with tasks broken into smaller segments. Colour-highlight key parts of a task.
  • Before beginning a task, have students explain their understanding of the task to a buddy.
  • Give positive feedback for immediate starts to work.
  • Check-in frequently with students to ensure they are not having problems.
  • Ensure that all materials and resources are accessible.
  • Partner students with well-focused buddies.
  • Encourage students to self-manage their timing with a vibrating watch or a timer on their cellphone.

Use graphic organisers to support writing

Use graphic organisers to support writing

5th-grade teacher Jon Weinberger shares his strategies for improving the classroom experience for children with ADHD.

Offer visual timers

Offer visual timers

Visual timers, can help students "see" the time they have for a task.

This can reduce stress and increase motivation.

Video hosted on Vimeo

Useful resources

Useful resources


Free graphic organiser templates

Free graphic organiser templates in pdf format.

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Visit website

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Helpful classroom strategies years 1-8”:

Return to the guide “ADHD and learning”
