20 January 2025

Present information in different ways

Use the UDL guideline of multiple means of representation to help ākonga to engage meaningfully with material

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Current page section: Present information in different ways

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Utilise alternative media

Utilise alternative media

Introduce students to content and ideas presented in different ways.

Some students will be more captivated by video content that is animated or takes a more alternative approach.  

Take a multi-sensory approach

Take a multi-sensory approach

Provide students with multiple ways to engage with information.
  • Present content in more than one way.
  • Use digital technologies to create options for students.
  • Create digital rather than only hard copy content and information. This enables students to personalise how they access. They can listen to it, add digital sticky notes, or sync it to online calendars and organise it in ways that work for them.
  • Take a multisensory approach – use real experiences, physical activities, manipulables, photos, graphics and video alongside text or spoken content.
  • Use blogs, wikis, and online tools such as Moodle to bring together different versions of content in one place (for example, a YouTube video, a graphic and some text).
  • Turn on the closed captions on videos.
  • Avoid using handouts or workbooks that can’t be adjusted.
  • Make instructions, demonstrations, or key content rewindable and accessible 24/7.

Find videos with closed captions

Find videos with closed captions

How to find YouTube videos with closed captions using a laptop or desktop computer.

  • Search for YouTube and open the home page.
  • Type search subject (for example “frogs”) into YouTube search bar and press return key.
  • On left of screen, click the tab called “Filters” and a menu box will open.
  • Select “subtitles/CC” under the Features list.
  • Select a video from the selection of filtered videos presented by YouTube.
  • Watch the selected video with the closed captions turned on to check for accuracy before sharing with students.
  • Share closed captioned video with students.

Useful resources

Useful resources


The MindShift guide to digital games and learning

A series of informative blog posts supporting educators to use digital games for learning.

Publisher: KQED

Visit website

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Helpful classroom strategies years 9-13”:

Return to the guide “ADHD and learning”
