18 February 2025

Identify barriers and supports

Use UDL to identify “how” to design lessons that minimise barriers and support ākonga mastery of standards-aligned goals.

Barriers that create unproductive struggle

Barriers that create unproductive struggle

Nicole Tucker-Smith identifying and minimising barriers that cause unproductive struggle for learners.

Video hosted on Youtube

Source: PaTTAN

Closed Captions

What gets in the way for ākonga?

What gets in the way for ākonga?

Take a look at how to minimise common barriers students experience across learning areas, aligned to UDL’s three principles.

Identify and minimise barriers in your subject

Identify and minimise barriers in your subject

In your department, discuss potential barriers to learning hidden in the design and support of internal assessments.

Use the template Identify common barriers in your subject area to document ideas and plan useful supports.

Recognising barriers in our learning design

Recognising barriers in our learning design

A key focus of UDL is identifying barriers to learning hidden in the learning environments.

Video hosted on Youtube

Useful resources

Useful resources


Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Read time: 3 min

UDL explained from a NZ perspective. The Thinking Cycle and supporting tools for planning and teaching are included.

Visit website


Planning with Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Read time: 3 min

A series of downloadable templates that help you to use UDL when you plan your teaching and assessments.

Visit website

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Design considerations in NCEA assessments”:

Return to the guide “Universal Design for Learning”

Guide to Index of the guide: Universal Design for Learning

Strategies for action:
