25 March 2025

​Understand the key concerns of students

Young people share their experiences of school and outline why we need to work together to make them safer more inclusive places to learn.

Seven common concerns

Listen and learn from students.

Create opportunities for them to share their concerns and experiences in ways that work for them.

11530 [Seek-input-into-student-solutions.png]

Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Bullying, homophobia and transphobia

Young people discuss their experiences of homophobic and transphobic bullying.

Video hosted on Vimeo

Young people discuss their experiences of homophobic and transphobic bullying.

The need for visibility

Don’t talk “around” LGBTQIA issues.

Acknowledge our existence and make it clear that we matter and will be protected by the school.

Ministry of Education

Risks of isolation

Sexuality may be viewed differently according to people’s social and cultural contexts, values, and beliefs.

This short video excerpt highlights the need for visibility to build understanding and reduce isolation. 

It is taken from the LGBTQIA+ Aotearoa Then & Now documentary. 

The impact of binary norms

Young people describe the impact of binary norms on their learning and wellbeing.

Video hosted on Vimeo

Young people explore and challenge norms about gender, sex, and sexuality.

Six wellbeing objectives

Consultation with LGBTQIA+ young people identified six key objectives to support wellbeing and participation.

Next steps

Return to the guide “Supporting LGBTQIA+ students”

Guide to Index of the guide: LGBTQIA+ students


  • ​Understand the key concerns of students