24 March 2025
Dyslexia and learning v2

Dyslexia and learning
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This guide includes classroom strategies to support students' learning and wellbeing.

Understanding dyslexia

Understand what dyslexia is and how it affects learners so that you can support them.

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Guinevere Eden explains which parts of our brains are used when we read, how our brains change when we learn to read, and how a successful dyslexia intervention can make a difference in brain function.

Summary of important concepts:

Understanding dyslexia and literacy acquisition

To plan a learning programme that supports learners who have difficulty with reading, you need to understand the building blocks of literacy acquisition.

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These skills provide the basis for sound curriculum decisions and for instructional approaches that can help prevent the consequences of early reading failure.

Four suggestions for implementing this strategy:

  1. Structured Literacy


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  2. Learning the code


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  3. The simple view of reading


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  4. Building fluency


    • Resources

Strategies for action

Six key strategies to support learners with dyslexia.

Show material for:

Develop a schoolwide approach

Plan an inclusive approach that supports learners with dyslexia.Work collaboratively to organise specific supports.

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To provide an inclusive education and meet the needs of our learners with dyslexia we need to have a good understanding of their needs are and how to address them.

Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Two suggestions for implementing this strategy:

  1. Develop schoolwide systems


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  2. Support PLD


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Identify student needs and how to provide support

See the student as a whole person, complete with individual strengths and learning preferences. Work closely with the student and their whānau to build an understanding of their specific needs, and identify supports for learning and wellbeing.

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Ask students what they need for successful learning.

Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Three suggestions for implementing this strategy:

  1. Ask the student what will help


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  2. Partner with whānau


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  3. Organisations, programmes, and resources


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Support early literacy development through a structured literacy approach

Plan an explicit, systematic approach to support early literacy development in learners with dyslexia.

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Build learners’ confidence in their capabilities and help them establish a “can do” attitude to reading.

Rose report, p22


Six suggestions for implementing this strategy:

  1. Early identification


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  2. Use classroom assessments


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  3. Take a phonics-based approach


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  4. Build reading skills


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  5. Teach spelling skills


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  6. Support writing skills


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Helpful classroom strategies in years 1-8

Approaches that support students with dyslexia are useful for everyone. Recognise early signs of difficulties and modify your teaching to meet the needs of all.

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This animation illustrates the challenges that children with dyslexia face, while also acknowledging their strengths and potential.

It has a companion teacher resource.

Six suggestions for implementing this strategy:

Helpful classroom strategies in Years 9-13

Approaches that are useful for students with dyslexia are often valuable for everyone.

Dyslexia is a different brain organisation that needs different teaching methods. It is never the fault of the child, but rather the responsibility of us who teach to find methods that work for that child.

Jim Rose

Seven suggestions for implementing this strategy:

Key resources

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About dyslexia – Supporting literacy in the classroom

Read time: 137 min

This booklet contains strategies for using a phonological approach to teaching reading and writing in the junior school, strategies for using a multi-sensory approach in the classroom, and accommodations and modifications teachers can make to support students with dyslexia.

The New Zealand dyslexia handbook

The New Zealand Dyslexia Handbook

A guide to understanding dyslexia in children and youth, with strategies for assessing and teaching reading and spelling.

Publisher: NZCER Press

Price: One off charge $75.00


What is dyslexia?

Part of the Understood website. The dyslexia section contains well-researched, practical information for teachers and parents, which is easily applied in the classroom.

Publisher: Understood

Dyslexia in the classroom What every teacher needs to know

Dyslexia in the classroom: What every teacher needs to know

Read time: 28 min

A toolkit to provide classroom teachers with information about dyslexia, classroom strategies, tips and tools.

Publisher: International Dyslexia Association



An introductory resource for supporting ākonga with dyslexia in Māori medium settings. It contains key ideas and strategies (including a learning support plan) that teachers, whānau, and support personnel can use to enhance learning conditions for children who may have specific literacy needs in Māori medium. It is supported by two videos outlining effective literacy teaching and support in Māori medium kura.


Dyslexia resource kete

Practical, strengths-based approaches for: identifying students who show signs of dyslexia, planning targeted teaching strategies, and reducing barriers to learning.

Publisher: Literacy Online

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Strategies for action:
