04 March 2025

Create flexible learning environments that students can personalise

Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Planning learning where everyone can participate and achieve’

On this page:

Take an inclusive approach

Take an inclusive approach

Linda Ojala describes how she uses a Universal Design for Learning framework.

Offer flexible options

Offer flexible options

Creating flexible and responsive environments allows students to make choices about:

  • tools and resources they might use (digital and non-digital)
  • methods to share their ideas and understanding
  • subject content
  • how they physically access an environment
  • order of learning tasks
  • when to sit assessments
  • who they might access for help
  • the process to finish or complete a task
  • who they might work and collaborate with.

Make it work for everyone

Make it work for everyone

Consider how a solution for one student can be offered as an option for everyone.

Minimise barriers and optimise flexibility at the outset.

Identify student needs

Identify student needs

Support learners to understand their needs as learners.

Be sensitive to learners’ individual difference and their prior knowledge.

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Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Useful resources

Useful resources

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Plan for everyone to participate and achieve”:

Return to the guide “Developing an inclusive classroom culture ”
