Primary school learner profile
An example of a NZ primary school student’s learner profile, developed by the adults around her.
Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Valuing what each student brings to the classroom’
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A learner profile is created by students and whānau.
Students can choose to present information in any media.
Discuss with the student and their whānau what to include in a learner profile.
Considerations for learner profiles.
I personally do a survey at the beginning of every class, every semester ... to get an idea of who is in the classroom to begin with and what they would benefit, or what they want to see in the class, what would work [and not work] for them.
Nancy Searcy
Source: Student profiles - UDL supporting diversity in BC schools (opens in a new tab/window)
Read time: 3 min
This document provides general support and guidance when developing a learner profile. It includes prompts and questions, alongside purpose and benefits for students.
Download PDF (211 KB)
An example of a NZ primary school student’s learner profile, developed by the adults around her.
Download DOC (613 KB)
An example of a NZ secondary student’s learner profile.
Download PDF (331 KB)
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Value what each student brings ”:
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