24 March 2025

Understanding the Learning Support Delivery Model (LSDM) and new models for collaboration

Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Coordinating community and cluster-wide learning support’

Overview of the new model

Overview of the new model

The Learning Support Delivery Model (LSDM) supports groups who work collaboratively to respond to the needs of a whole population of children and young people.

How it will work

How it will work

Each learning community together with Mana Whenua and local agencies will meet and plan how they work together.

Together they will establish any decision making protocols they need.

Together they will:

  • decide the information to be shared to create a full picture of the needs of individual children and young people and groups of learners across their community
  • agree how to share and store that information safely 
  • establish a learning support register or an equivalent resource 
  • identify all the resources, skills, and knowledge available in their community 
  • liaise with their local learning-support facilitator who will connect them to wider agencies and services and broker supports.

Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga (opens in a new tab/window)

Learning support delivery model in action

Learning support delivery model in action

Read how Puketeraki Kāhui Ako have developed an effective safety net for their community.

It is based on long-standing relationships and the Learning Support Delivery Model.

Reflection questions

Reflection questions

  • How are you working within the LSDM? 
  • How will you work within the LSDM to improve outcomes for learners and their whānau?
  • How will you design an approach within the LDSM that works for your context?
  • How will it improve outcomes for both tangata whenua and tangata tiriti learners and their whānau?
  • How will it increase the timeliness and effectiveness of support for learners?
  • What barriers will there be to implementing the model?
  • What dispositions and commitment will be needed to ensure the model is successful?

Useful resources

Useful resources

A guide for groups sharing learning support information

Learning Support Delivery Model: A guide for groups sharing learning support information

Read time: 15 min

The guide is to help groups of education providers and other service providers to safely and appropriately share information about children and young people who need learning support.

Download PDF


Learning Support Delivery Model: Working together

Read time: 3 min

The Learning Support Delivery Model (LSDM) brings together early learning services, kura, MoE, and other learning support providers to decide how to best use resources to meet local learning needs.

Download PDF (383 KB)


Learning Support Delivery Model in action

Read time: 8 min

The Puketeraki Kāhui Ako in North Canterbury is working within the LSDM to address the learning support needs of their communities.

Visit website

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Coordinating community and cluster-wide learning support”:

Return to the guide “Collaborative planning for learning”
