30 January 2025

Follow protocols for sharing information

Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Coordinating community and cluster-wide learning support’

Review all information

Review all information

Build your understanding about what support your learners need by reviewing information about their learning and wellbeing.

Information from both formal and informal sources is valued and may include:

  • learning support registers
  • student and whānau surveys
  • focus groups and interviews
  • anecdotal conversations
  • learning stories and case studies
  • data from inquiry projects
  • records of requests for support from the Ministry of Education and Resource Teachers 
  • Interim Response Fund (IRF) usage
  • attendance, stand-down, suspension, and exclusion data
  • teacher observations.

Overview of information-sharing protocols

Overview of information-sharing protocols

An overview of how information about tamariki can be shared to ensure the mana of both tamariki and whānau is protected. 

More information is available at A guide for groups sharing learning support information.

Video hosted on Vimeo

Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga (NZ)

No captions or transcript

Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga (NZ)

Checklist for seeking agreement to share information

Checklist for seeking agreement to share information

To share personal information, you need to ensure that the parent or guardian and young person you are seeking agreement from is fully informed about:

  • the purpose – why the information is being shared
  • what information will be shared
  • who will see it
  • how it will be shared and stored safely
  • when the information will be taken off the register
  • how they can check the accuracy of the information
  • what will happen if they don’t agree to the information being shared or want to withdraw their consent.

Source: Learning Support Delivery Model: A guide for groups sharing learning support information (opens in a new tab/window)

Make sure that everyone understands

Make sure that everyone understands

Consider what approaches you will use to build whānau, hapu, community, and staff understanding of the principles for collecting and using data.

11911 [Screen-Shot-2020-04-15-at-5.56.18-PM.png]

Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Useful resources

Useful resources

A guide for groups sharing learning support information

Learning Support Delivery Model: A guide for groups sharing learning support information

Read time: 15 min

The guide is to help groups of education providers and other service providers to safely and appropriately share information about children and young people who need learning support.

Download PDF

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Coordinating community and cluster-wide learning support”:

Return to the guide “Collaborative planning for learning”
