Gather information to have conversations with ākonga and whānau
Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Making a collaborative learning support plan’
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Current page section: Gather information
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Go to top of current page: Gather information
Go to top of current page: Gather information
Use a range of tools
Use a range of tools
Use a range of informal and formal tools to track how ākonga are going with their learning and to identify any signs that they may need support.
Record observations
Record observations
Consider the following questions in your own context.
Take a look at some examples to kick-start your thinking.
- What are you observing?
- When does it happen – the particular context or setting?
- When does it not happen?
- What happens beforehand?
- How do people around them respond?
- What is the impact on learning?
- What helps?
Check your thinking with your peers
Check your thinking with your peers
Take every opportunity to check your thinking and observations with your teaching peers.
Closed Captions
Gather observations using a narrative approach
Gather observations using a narrative approach
Learning stories enable teachers to notice and capture observations of a student’s progress.
Reflection questions
Reflection questions
What are you noticing?
View the Te huia reflective questions associated with each domain.
Useful resources
Useful resources

Assessment for learning: Using the right tools and resources to notice and respond to progress across the curriculum
Read time: 14 min
This guide focuses on informal assessment for learning in the classroom to inform teaching and learning, including selecting appropriate assessment tools for equitable and positive outcomes for all students. It will support you to review your assessment policies and procedures and can be used for ongoing review.
Download PDF (637 KB)
Te Huia: Protecting the wellbeing of the tamaiti
Reflective questions to inform practice and planning.
Publisher: Sonya & Angus Macfarlane
Download PDF (157 KB)
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Making a collaborative learning support plan”:
Current page Gather information
Return to the guide “Collaborative planning for learning”
How to use this site
Guide to Index of the guide: Collaborative planning for learning
Strategies for action:
Collaboratively planning a universally designed learning environmentShow suggestions for Collaboratively planning a universally designed learning environment
Making a collaborative learning support planShow suggestions for Making a collaborative learning support plan
Coordinating community and cluster-wide learning supportShow suggestions for Coordinating community and cluster-wide learning support