24 March 2025

Establish how to share stories of progress and stay in touch

Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Making a collaborative learning support plan’

Support reflection with visuals and story telling

Support reflection with visuals and story telling

Consider how you can support understanding with visuals.

Here is an example of the Story Hui approach.

Support student self-review

Support student self-review

Consider a variety of options to support regular student self-review so they can share with whānau and other supporting adults.

For example:

Sharing student learning through e-portfolios

Sharing student learning through e-portfolios

E-portfolios provide an evolving collection using pictures and videos to celebrate the learning and progress of students.

Reflection questions

Reflection questions

Consider these questions in your own context.

  • How do you share stories of progress in culturally responsive ways?
  • How do you ensure ākonga, whānau, and kaiako each have a voice in the storytelling?
  • How do you ensure barriers to making and sharing progress are identified and removed?
  • How do you collate stories to celebrate ākonga and their learning in meaningful ways?
  • How can you continue to support ākonga and their whānau with their learning pathway?

Useful resources

Useful resources


Whakamahi – Take action with integrity

Whakamahi – Take action with integrity is the fifth stage of the He Pikorua practice sequence for RTLB and Ministry Learning Support specialists. It focuses on acting with respect for the kawa and tikanga that are important to learners and whānau and the early learning service, school, kura, and learning community.

Publisher: He Pikoura

Visit website

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Making a collaborative learning support plan”:

Return to the guide “Collaborative planning for learning”
