24 March 2025

Plan what happens next in a way that has meaning and is useful

Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Making a collaborative learning support plan’

On this page:

Identify and remove barriers

Identify and remove barriers

Ensure the environment is designed to allow the child to flourish.

Tūngia te ururua kia tupu whakaritorito te tupu o te harakeke. 

Clear away the overgrowing bush so that the new flax shoots will spring up.

Make decisions together

Make decisions together

Take a responsive, timely approach guided by whānau.

Coordinate who whānau want at the table.

Make all decisions with them.

Examples of approaches to support planning

Examples of approaches to support planning

There are many models and approaches for developing a learner support plan. 

Choose an approach that motivates and preserves the mana of ākonga and their whānau.

Reflection questions

Reflection questions

Innovative solutions can stem from a pool of shared meaning.

Foster this by exchanging experiences and stories with whānau and having genuine respect.

Prior to developing a plan with whānau, consider:

  • protocols – creating space and time for karakia, mihimihi, and opportunities to make connections with whānau
  • sharing why developing a plan is important and inviting whānau to be a part
  • the approach that will promote meaningful discussion and mutual decision making
  • building on what is working for the learner 
  • the resources that will support the learner and their whānau
  • what to do when challenges arise and how might they be addressed
  • how you can genuinely support the learner and their whānau in the plan.

Useful resources

Useful resources


Tātai – Plan collaboratively

Tātai – Plan collaboratively is the fourth element of the He Pikorua practice sequence for RTLB and Ministry Learning Support specialists. Whether at universal, targeted, or individual level, Tātai focuses on how to effectively work together and plan for goal-orientated action.

Publisher: He Pikoura

Visit website

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Making a collaborative learning support plan”:

Return to the guide “Collaborative planning for learning”
