Increase participation and build confidence
Use a range of approaches to boost confidence and ākonga participation
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Utilise a peer-to-peer approach
Utilise a peer-to-peer approach
Students at Irongate School demonstrate how the older or more expert tuakana help and guide the younger or less expert teina.
Ask what can help?
Ask what can help?
Create regular opportunities to check in with learners to find out what is working and areas for support.
![11753 [IMG-6182.jpg]](
Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga
Give students an authentic audience
Give students an authentic audience
Creating opportunities for students to share learning beyond the classroom can boost confidence and increase participation in learning.
No captions or transcript
Build confidence using multiple approaches
Build confidence using multiple approaches
- Ask the student how they learn best and get to know their interests and strengths.
- Foster tuakana-teina relationships, where an older or more expert tuakana (older child) helps and guides the younger or less expert teina (younger child).
- Identify and adapt situations where it may be embarrassing for a student to participate (for example, a student with dyslexia being expected to read aloud).
- Recognise successes and communicate them to home.
- Recognise avoidance strategies and provide support and encouragement.
- Build on the student’s out-of-school programmes and activities.
- Make support options such as text-to-speech, timers and self-management tools available to students.
- Give ongoing prompts and positive feedback and provide the student with strategies to help when they get stuck.
Useful resources
Useful resources
John Hattie, visible learning Pt 2: Effective methods
In this video Dr John Hattie talks about the impact of a teacher’s mindset on student achievement. No captions or transcript available.
Publisher: Mike Bell
Multiple means of engagement – Managing fear so learning can occur
In this collection of short videos about Universal Design for Learning, Dr David Rose and CAST colleague Grace Meo explain how engagement, goals, affective demands, and resources are connected. Collated by the Alberta Regional Consortia.
Publisher: The Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium (ERLC)
Helping children to build self-esteem
In this video, Professor Amanda Kirby (UK) describes how to help children build self-esteem and confidence by giving specific positive feedback and building intrinsic motivation, through supporting students to set their own goals and identify steps to achieving them.
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Reduce barriers for year 1-8 students”:
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Guide to Index of the guide: Curriculum accessibility
Strategies for action:
Reduce barriers for year 1 to 8 studentsShow suggestions for Reduce barriers for year 1 to 8 students
- Partner with ākonga
- Increase participation and build confidence
- Present information in different ways
- Develop processing and organising skills
- Provide options to create, learn, and share
Reduce barriers for year 9–13 studentsShow suggestions for Reduce barriers for year 9–13 students
Support reading and writingShow suggestions for Support reading and writing
Utilise differentiation and adaption approachesShow suggestions for Utilise differentiation and adaption approaches
Use hybrid learning approachesShow suggestions for Use hybrid learning approaches