24 March 2025

Provide options for students to create, learn, and share what they know

Offer students options for how they respond to challenges and share information

Offer technology options

Offer technology options

Teva reflects on the impact a netbook has on his writing and ability to express his ideas.

Offer options for sharing learning

Offer options for sharing learning

Provide a range of ways for students to express what they know. Ask students which approaches they would like as regular options.

Remove hidden barriers to achievement

Remove hidden barriers to achievement

Make all supports and options available to everyone.

  • Develop success criteria in partnership with students.
  • Where possible, set goals that enable students to demonstrate their understanding through multiple pathways.
  • Offer students a range of options for expression including text, images, voice, video, animation or a combination of media.
  • Ensure that the “means” of demonstrating understanding is not a barrier to success.
  • If the “means” are a barrier for some students, build in supports such as text-to-speech at the outset.

Support learners to collaboratively create and share

Support learners to collaboratively create and share

Select tools that offer multiple ways for learners to create and share their learning. Provide options for them to use text, photos, video, audio to work collaboratively.


Creative tools include:

  • slideware – Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, Apple Keynote, Prezi
  • graphic creation tools – Book Creator, Adobe Spark, Canva, Sway, Sharalike
  • video creation tools – iMovie, WeVideo, Headliner
  • animation tools: iMovie, Animaker, Powtoon.

Group collaboration tools include:

  • video conferencing tools – Google Meet, Skype, Zoom, Microsoft Teams.

Support learner agency

Support learner agency

Provide students with flexible and supported options for planning and demonstrating understanding. Ensure the choices you offer are useful options.

11850 [Maria-Faranise-Ethan.JPG]

Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Useful resources

Useful resources


Different ways to publish your stories: Using a variety of tools

Teacher Jacqui Sharp illustrates some of the ways students and teachers can present digital stories and inquiries, using many different tools.

Publisher: Jacqui Sharp

Visit website

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Reduce barriers for year 1-8 students”:

Return to the guide “Curriculum accessibility”

Guide to Index of the guide: Curriculum accessibility
