25 March 2025

​Review reading and writing strategies (years 9-13)

Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Supporting reading and writing’

Support the planning of writing

Support the planning of writing

Sandra Gillies, Onslow College, explains how she poses questions for students to support them with expanding and organising their writing.

Model literacy learning tools

Model literacy learning tools

Introducing students to free or inexpensive tools that remove barriers and provide support for literacy learning.

  • Text-to-speech (TTS) software converts text from a website or digital document into speech by reading written information aloud. The text is often highlighted with word tracking. Explore TTS on Mac operating systems, Natural Reader, Read and Write for Google Docs
  • Word prediction software predicts a required word, as a student writes, producing a list of words. Explore LetMeType
  • Voice-recognition software offers students an alternative way of getting their thoughts down on paper.
  • Clutter free web pages. Explore Mercury Reader or use the Reader function on Mac operating systems.
  • Spell and contextual grammar checkers. Explore Ginger for Chrome.
  • Closed Captions (subtitles). Turn them on when sharing videos with students.
  • Graphic organiser software (free) with outlining and drafting capabilities can be used to support writers in a number of ways.
  • Digital storytelling tools are available on Powerpoint and Google Sites. Movie making tools are also available.

Support decoding

Support decoding

Sandra Gillies, Onslow College, outlines the importance of thinking aloud to model the process of decoding, and building meaning.

Offer digital resources

Offer digital resources

Matthew, a year 13 student, describes how "the best teachers" are those who create flexible, digital resources.

Offer a range of supports

Offer a range of supports

Provide learners with a range of supports to help with the organisation of thoughts and ideas.

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Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Useful resources

Useful resources


Writers Lab – a writing strategy to support students with disabilities

Read time: 3 min

A process to support students with additional needs to write accounts and narrative.

Publisher: Dotdash

Visit website


The School Journal Story Library

School Journal Story Library is a targeted instructional series that supplements other instructional series. It provides additional scaffolds and supports for teachers to use to accelerate literacy learning for students in years 5-8 who are reading 1-2 years below expectation. The series includes books, teacher support materials, and audio.

Publisher: Literacy Online

Visit website

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Support reading and writing”:

Return to the guide “Curriculum accessibility”

Guide to Index of the guide: Curriculum accessibility
